Pharmacy Management System

We designed our pharmacy management system to help you organize and maintain the medication use process in your pharmacy by storing your data and enabling certain functionalities

Our system includes features like an inventory managing module (for managing and updating pharmacy stock) and a document management module (for storing and retrieving necessary documents like insurance certificates, prescriptions, and salary schedules). We also offer analytics (to give insight into performance in terms of sales and expenses) and the option to integrate your pharmacy management system with a point of sale system or prescription software.

Our pharmacy management system helps to improve the efficiency of your pharmacy by automating the important tasks and leaving your hands free to serve your clients better. It affords you effective inventory management, as our system keeps track of stock and alerts you of any shortages.

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Dispensing module

The medicine dispenser helps pharmacists give out medicines accurately and quickly. It has safety features like scanning barcodes and warning about drug interactions to avoid mistakes. It also keeps track of medicine supplies and warns when they're low, so pharmacies don't run out. By making the process smoother and reducing mistakes, it keeps patients safe and satisfied.

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Inventory management module

This module helps schools to manage their teachers and instructors, including recruiting, scheduling, and evaluating them. It enables schools to create and maintain teacher profiles, as well as to communicate with teachers and to provide feedback and support. The module also provides tools for tracking and evaluating teacher performance.

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Financial Reporting Module

The money tool helps pharmacies see how well they're doing financially, like how much they sell and earn. It gives reports on important numbers like profit and how quickly they sell their stock. This helps pharmacies figure out what they're good at and where they need to improve, so they can use their money wisely.

The tool also lets pharmacies see if they're doing better or worse financially over time, so they can adjust their plans. By giving clear and detailed financial info, it helps pharmacies make more money and stay in business longer.

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Patient Care Module

The patient care tool helps pharmacies take better care of their patients by keeping track of important info like allergies, medicines, and treatment plans. It lets pharmacists talk to other healthcare workers like doctors and nurses, and see important medical guidelines.

By giving a complete and current view of each patient's health and treatment, the tool helps pharmacies avoid mistakes, coordinate care, and make patients healthier. It also helps pharmacies build trust with patients, so they keep coming back and are happier with the service.

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Prescription Management Module

The inventory tool helps pharmacies handle their drug supply well, so they don't waste money or run out of medicines. It lets pharmacists order medicines, get deliveries, and store drugs properly.

The tool works with the medicine dispenser to show how much medicine is left in real-time. This helps pharmacies know when to order more and how much to order. By making inventory management easier and smarter, it helps pharmacies save money, avoid waste, and make sure patients can always get their medicines.

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Provider Communication Module

The Service Provider Communication Tool helps pharmacies talk easily with other healthcare providers like doctors. It lets them share important patient info like medical history, medicines, allergies, and test results, so they can work together better for the patient's care.

Secure messaging between the pharmacy and other healthcare providers
Electronic prescribing, eliminates paper prescriptions and reduces the risk of errors
Automatic notification of medication changes, helps to prevent contraindicated medications
Clinical decision support, which can help prevent errors and improve patient outcomes
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Module

The Customer Relationship Tool helps pharmacies keep good relationships with their customers, like patients, doctors, and other healthcare workers. It saves and sorts customer info, like contacts and what they like, and lets pharmacies talk to them through email, phone, or social media.

It also helps pharmacies understand their customers better, so they can market and serve them better. By making friends with customers, the tool helps pharmacies keep them coming back, buying more, and staying happy.

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