
Car Listing Portal

The car listing portal offers a wide range of features for both users and administrators. The front end includes various pages such as Home, Currency, About, Pricing, Blog, Post Detail, Comment, Category Detail, Search, FAQ, Dynamic Page, Contact, Store Contact Form, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Listing Detail, Send Message, and Report Listing.

Customer authentication features include LoginLogoutRegistration, Registration VerificationForget Password, and Reset Password. The customer profile features a Dashboard, Package options, Free Enrollment, Buy Package, Payment, Purchase History, Update Profile, View Listing, My Reviews, and Wishlist.

Admin functionalities encompass Login, Logout, Forget Password, Reset Password, Change Password, Change Profile, Payment, Currency, Blog Category, Blog, Blog Comment, Dynamic Pages, Testimonial, Amenity, Listing Brand, Listing Location, Listing, Booking, Package, FAQ, User, and Subscriber management. Key user journeys involve registration, login, dashboard overview, purchase history, package management, listing creation, review management, wishlist, profile editing, and detailed admin operations such as settings management, language settings, page settings, blog and website management, listing and review administration, package handling, dynamic pages, purchase history, customer management, email templates, and home advertisement settings.

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Brand & Location

Listing by location and Brand

  • Users can create new listings by navigating to the "Add Listing" menu.
  • They input details such as listing name, description, and other required fields.
  • Listings go through admin approval before appearing on the platform.
  • User can add brand of vehicle and add all cars with same brand listed in.
  • Multiple brands can be added from admin panel.
  • User can filter and add car with respect to location.
  • User can add, edit, delete any listing from overall listing or specifically brand listing.
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Car Purchase

Purchase History

  • Users can view all their past purchases under this section.
  • It provides a comprehensive overview of their transaction history within the platform.


  • Users can view all the listings they have added to their wishlist.
  • This section allows users to keep track of items they are interested in.
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  • After logging in, users access their dashboard.
  • Here, they view quick stats such as active listings, package details, and purchase history.
  • It serves as a central hub for navigating various sections and managing account activities.


  • Users can access different package options from their dashboard.
  • They can choose from available packages, with the first one typically being free.
  • Payment and package details are managed through this module.
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