
Advocate Management System / Lawyer

The Advocate Management System (AMS) is a comprehensive application designed to manage all aspects of a legal practice efficiently. It integrates various features to streamline workflows and ensure seamless organization, making it indispensable for legal professionals.

Key features include managing contacts and categorizing them, tracking opposing lawyers, maintaining lobbying activities, scheduling appointments, and organizing client and case information. The system also includes modules for court information, task management, human resources, payroll, leave management, event scheduling, and more. AMS supports customization with language setup, auto updates, email configurations, and personalized login screens, providing a robust solution for effective office management.

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Client & Appointment


  • Store and manage detailed client information, including contact details and case history, to ensure all client-related data is easily accessible.
  • Categorize clients based on their type or legal needs, facilitating better organization and management of client information.


  • Schedule and manage appointments with clients, lawyers, and court dates. This module helps in maintaining an organized calendar for all legal and administrative activities.
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  • Add, view, and manage case details comprehensively. This module serves as the central repository for all case-related information.
  • Maintain a list of legal causes or reasons for cases, helping in categorizing and managing cases based on their legal basis.
  • Add new cases to the system with all relevant details, ensuring all necessary information is recorded from the outset.
  • Categorize cases based on their type or legal category, making it easier to manage and retrieve case information based on specific legal criteria.
  • Record and manage judgments or rulings on cases, ensuring all outcomes are documented and easily accessible for reference.
  • Manage closed cases and associated documentation, maintaining a record of all finalized cases for future reference.
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Attendance & Leaves

  • Track staff attendance and working hours, helping in monitoring employee presence and productivity.
  • Manage staff leave requests and balances, keeping track of all leave-related activities.
  • Define different types of leaves, such as sick leave or vacation, ensuring clarity in leave management.
  • Specify rules and regulations for leave entitlements, ensuring all leave policies are well-documented.
  • Allow staff to request leaves through the system, streamlining the leave application process.
  • Manage the carry-forward of unused leave days, ensuring all leave balances are accurately maintained.
  • Process leave requests from staff members, ensuring all requests are reviewed and managed appropriately.
  • View and manage pending leave requests, facilitating the approval process.
  • Configure holidays and public holidays, ensuring all holiday information is up-to-date.
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