
Voice Search Growth and Usage - Statistics and Trends

Created: May 08, 2018

Updated: June 19, 2024

The use of voice search is growing and  according to estimates 50% of all searches will use voice and 30% of searches will be done without a screen by 2020. 60% of smartphone users who have used voice search have begun using it in the past 12 to 18 months  whereas 40% of adults use voice search once per day. 60% of respondents say they like voice search because it’s fast and requires no typing, and over 66% agree that voice commands make using a smartphone easier. Check out our infographic on "Voice Search Growth and Usage" for latest voice search usage statistics and trends.

Voice Search Growth And Usage

Infographic by GO-Globe Web Design Company In Sharjah

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Nearly 50% of people are now using voice search when researching products

Main Reasons for Voice Search

Reasons %age
Using voice search is quicker than using a website or an app 43%
Easier than going to website or using an app 38%
Don’t like typing on their mobile device 21%


Mobile voice-related searches are 3X more likely to be local-based than text based queries

Men are 3x more likely than women to use phone voice commands. People under 24 are 33% more likely to use smartphone voice commands in public than older people.

When do people use voice search the most ?

Reasons %age
When driving 52.8%
When doing another activity 21.3%
When watching TV 7.5%
When working 7.4%
When cooking 5.5%
When exercising or walking 2.6%
When showering or bathroom 2.3%
When with friends or family 0.4%
When in bed 0.2%


Satisfaction with voice search among smartphone users

Satisfaction Level %age
Very Satisfied 23.3%
Somewhat Satisfied 27.4%
Neutral 37.7%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 6.5%
Very Dissatisfied 5.1%


Top actions performed by Voice Search

Actions %age
Call Someone 43%
Ask directions 38%
Play Song 30%
Find out movie times 20%
Check time 13%


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