Cash on Delivery in Middle East - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Nov 08, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know that Cash on Delivery accounts for 76% of e-commerce orders and is the most preferred payment method (64%) of online shoppers in the Middle East? Check out our infographic "Cash on Delivery in the Middle East" for the latest statistics and trends.

Preferred payment methods of online shoppers in Middle East

Payment method types %age
Cash on Delivery 64%
Credit Card 46%
Debit Card 11%
Direct Debit from Bank Account 9%
Store Specific Gift Card 3%
Digital Payment Systems ( Paypal, Alipay) 1%

Cash on Delivery order return rates are higher 19% as compared to 8% return rate for Credit Card orders

Top Countries According to Cash on Delivery Popularity in Middle East

Country %age
Egypt 72%
UAE 51%
Kuwait 41%

75% of UAE online shoppers prefer to pay cash/card on delivery, as compared to the 25% that opt to pay online

More than 80% of the transaction volume in MENA countries' business-to-consumer (B2C) sites is paid at the time of delivery

44%  of online Arab Shoppers don’t trust online payments whereas 35% don’t have credit cards

51% of online Arab shoppers shopping decisions get influenced by Cash on delivery option

Payment method influence on Arab Shoppers %age
Cash on Delivery 51%
Credit Card 26%
Prepaid Cash Card 8%
Debit Card 6%
Net Banking 5%
Credit Card Installment Plan 3%
Others 1%

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