
Evolving Role of Social Media in Ecommerce Statistics [Infographic]

Created: Mar 31, 2023

Updated: June 19, 2024

Social commerce has dominated the online retail industry because everyone wants a unique and personalised online experience.

Customers may engage as they buy by interacting with peers, companies, and creators on social media, which has evolved into a digital mall. And much like in a real mall, the longer they browse, the more probable it is that they will buy anything.
Numerous businesses have incorporated shopping and payment features that let customers purchase goods and services directly on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and WhatsApp, where hundreds of companies already sell their products.

Social Media in E-commerce Statistics

Despite being new direction, social commerce is included in the wider category of eCommerce sales, which are anticipated to total $4.2 trillion this year. Because of the great income potential, it is grabbing the interest of marketers from all sectors. When used properly, these tools provide marketers a more practical approach to locate and successfully connect with their target audience.

Read on to learn about social commerce statistics that can help to better understand the present industry and show you the finest methods for luring customers and expanding your business, whether you're seeking for information to improve your social media store or sculpt your online strategy.

General Overview Out of 7.87 billion people in the world, 56.8% of the population use social networks
4.48 billion people currently use social media worldwide
average social media user engages with an average of 6.6 various social media platforms
Out of 4.48 billion social media users, 99% access websites or apps through a mobile device
40% of all internet users worldwide use social media for work purposes
Social Commerce In 2022, it was predicted that social media platforms will generate 992 billion dollars in global sales.
49% of brands plan to invest more in social commerce in 2022
27% of global internet users rely on social media to find products to purchase
13% of social networkers say a "buy" button is one of the top purchase drivers
54% of Gen Z shoppers and 58% of Millennials agree that social platforms are better than online searches for finding out about new products
Social media purchases will account for 14.3% of all online purchases in China by 2023
12% of ecommerce companies plan to sell directly through social media
By 2023, 71% of small businesses plan to sell on social media platforms
Influencer Marketing Role The market size of influencer marketing valued at $16.4 B, in 2022
49% of people listen to influencers when buying a product
38 % of e-commerce companies plans to work with social media influencers
37 % of e-commerce companies reported that they are already working with influencers
Instagram is known as the leading platform for influencer marketing worldwide
89 percent of marketers believed Instagram was an important platform for their influencer marketing
70% of teenagers trust YouTube influencers more than traditional celebrities
Social Commerce Purchasing Stats One in three users will make a purchase on Facebook
$86.21 was the average value of online orders referred through social media during Q2 of 2022
Apparel and accessories are the largest categories for social commerce
11% of social media users immediately make an online purchase after discovering a product
Clothing will account for the largest share of social commerce purchases by 2025
Social commerce may account for 40% or more of all internet spending on cosmetics by 2025.
30% of online shoppers would buy products from a social commerce company
52% of customers worldwide say social media has influenced their shopping decisions
Interesting Facts 70% of shopping enthusiasts look to Instagram to discover new products
Over 36% of B2B decision-makers use Instagram to find out information on new products or services
“Shop Now” accounts for 74% of all calls-to-action (CTAs) in SM ads
71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family
91% of all social media users access social channels via mobile devices
Ways for social commerce engagement Content model
Experience model
Network model
Steps to take today - Ensure presence on all social media platfroms
- Create Brand pages
- Collobrate with influencers
- Keep social media active on daily basis
- offer discount & giveaways
- Include SMM in main marketing stratgy

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