
Why Social Media Is Important for Businesses in China

Created: Aug 11, 2015

Updated: May 11, 2024

Chinese online users are very active on social media; in fact, more than 91% of Chinese online users have a social media account. A huge percentage of this population uses social media to research brands before making a purchase. They comment on their purchase experience via social media and share their product and brand findings with their extended networks. For any international business, it makes sense to leverage, and not ignore, the Chinese social media. You’ll see why in our infographic, “Why Social Media Is Important for Businesses in China”.

Why Social Media Is Important For Businesses In China

Infographic by GO Globe Singapore

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Web   Site Estimated Monthly Active Users
QQ 820 Million
Qzone 600 Million
WeChat 500 Million
Weibo 176 Million
RenRen 214 Million


87% of Chinese users have used social media to research a brand.

86% of them have bought products through social media.

Most strikingly, 93% of Chinese online shoppers have commented on a shopping experience on social medial

40% of 18-35 year old Chinese urban consumers consider social media as their top source of information

Chinese internet users spend an average of 46 minutes on social networks every day

75% of all online users in China provide purchase feedback at least once a month, as opposed to 20% feedback givers in the States.

57% of users follow an organization on social media because they want to get information on discounts and sales, while 74% do it expecting good customer service

82% of Weibo users shopped online during the third quarter of 2014. 80% of them searched for products or services to buy on social media, before making their purchases.

63% of respondents believe in products recommended by people they follow on Weibo and WeChat and are interested in giving them a try.

Estimated number of businesses on Weibo: 400,000

QQ is the most used business communication tool(accounts for 37.6% of all communication), followed by WeChat(23%).

77% of Chinese web users believe brands with a social media presence are more attractive.

Chinese people are members of more social networks on average than Americans (3.4 networks in China compared to 2.1 in the US).

55% of respondents said that they use social media to research luxury items.

58% of mainland respondents said WeChat influences their luxury brand choice, followed by Weibo with 52% of mainlanders stating it influences them.

37% of the fashion, watches and jewelry brands studied are present on two social media platforms in China and 30% are present on three.

Sina Weibo remains the most prominent platform, with 86 percent of studied luxury brands active on it, while WeChat registered a 51% participation increase among studied brands.


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