
Enabling Progressive Web Apps (PWA) For E-commerce

Created: Mar 20, 2021

Updated: June 19, 2024


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have been gaining massive traction in the global market of e-commerce, presenting a range of benefits that may complement or maybe surpass those of native apps. But what are the main benefits of PWA for eCommerce? PWA is four times cheaper when comparing PWA's improvement prices versus local apps, and it has some particular functions that a local web app cannot provide. Google coined the time period FIRE, which stands for a completely rapid, integrated, reliable, and enormously attractive app. As PWA has an URL, they are using traffic on your site with optimized search engine optimization.

Native Web Apps

Despite the passion, native internet apps are not dead. They nevertheless have great features that differentiate them from PWA, especially inside the Apple iOS atmosphere. But native apps do not now cover all of the desires of eCommerce. The critical areas at PWA are low-value logo cognizance and search engine marketing ranking. PWA's power is tested by using masses of examples from the sector's best eCommerce firms and most powerful manufacturers. Alibaba extended its conversion fee by 104%, and they doubled the number of pages visited per user throughout a consultation. The membership of PWA users includes Facebook Lite, Twitter Lite, Starbucks, and Lancôme, to name but a few.

Here’s why enabling PWAs for e-commerce can be advantageous:

Enhanced Performance and Speed

PWAs are designed to load quickly and perform effectively, even in regions with poor net connectivity. They use caching strategies to make certain that key assets are available offline or on gradual networks, offering a smoother and faster user experience. This can lessen jump rates and hold customers engaged, which is vital for e-commerce.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Unlike local apps that want to be advanced one after the other for iOS and Android, PWAs work on any tool with a contemporary web browser. With this cross-platform compatibility, you may reach a much broader audience without the need to hold multiple codebases. It simplifies development and ensures that all users have a steady experience.

Cost-Effective Development and Maintenance

Developing and keeping native apps for multiple structures can be expensive and time-consuming. PWAs, then again, require a single codebase, which reduces improvement time and charges. Additionally, updates and maintenance are easier and extra fee-powerful for the reason that they don’t need to undergo app-keep approval methods.

Improved SEO and Discoverability

PWAs are indexed with the aid of serps; because of this, they may be located via organic search results. This is a great gain over local apps, which are commonly best discovered via app shop searches. Enhanced search engine optimization can pressure more visitors to your e-trade web site, increasing visibility and capacity income.

Seamless User Experience

PWAs offer a continuing consumer experience by means of imparting capabilities like push notifications, domestic screen setup, and offline get-in, similar to local apps. They can also combine with device capabilities along with cameras and geolocation, supplying a native app-like experience without requiring customers to download something from an app save.

Reduced User Friction

One of the most important obstacles to local app adoption is the desire for users to download and install the app. PWAs take away this friction by allowing customers to get admission to the app immediately through their web browser. This can lead to better engagement and conversion charges, as users are more likely to have interaction with a PWA than go through the process of downloading a local app.

Lower Storage Requirements

PWAs normally require less garage area on a person’s device in comparison to native apps. This is especially beneficial for users with limited garage potential, making it much more likely that they will use your e-trade platform without issues about app length.

Easier Updates

Updating a local app may be a bulky technique, often requiring users to manually download the brand new version from the app shop. PWAs, however, are replaced robotically within the heritage, ensuring that each customer has access to the latest features and upgrades with no effort on their part.



While native apps have their blessings, permitting Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) for e-commerce offers a multitude of benefits that can beautify the person, lessen costs, and increase attainment. PWAs offer a quick, reliable, and attractive way to hook up with users across all devices and platforms, making them an invaluable tool for any e-commerce business looking to stay competitive in today’s virtual panorama. By leveraging the strengths of both PWAs and local apps, e-trade groups can create a strong and flexible virtual presence that meets the needs of their various consumer bases.


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