
What is Redux: A complete Beginners Guide

Created: Jun 06, 2023

Updated: April 25, 2024


Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications. It provides a centralised store for your application's state and offers a predictable way to manage state changes. With Redux, you can write predictable and testable code, and easily scale your application. Redux is often used with React, but it can be used with other frameworks or even with plain JavaScript. In this blog post we will look in depth at Redux, what it is; who needs it; why you need it and most importantly of all how to use it. 

In Redux, the state of your application is stored in a single object called the store. The store can be updated by dispatching actions, which are plain JavaScript objects that describe the type of change that needs to be made to the state. A reducer function takes the current state and the dispatched action as input and returns a new state object. The reducer function should be a pure function that does not modify the state object directly. Redux provides a way to subscribe to store updates and receive notifications whenever the state changes. This allows your application to react to changes in the state and update the user interface accordingly.

Redux also provides a way to manage asynchronous actions using middleware. Middleware is a function that intercepts actions before they reach the reducer and can modify or delay them. This allows you to handle asynchronous actions such as API requests and update the store when the data is received.

But let’s break it down further; what do you really need to know about Redux? 

The Centralized Store

Redux provides a centralized store for your application's state. The store is a JavaScript object that holds the entire state of your application. This means that instead of having multiple components with their own state, you can manage the state of your application in a single location.

The Actions

Actions are plain JavaScript objects that describe the type of change that needs to be made to the state. An action typically contains a type property, which is a string that describes the action, and a payload property, which is an optional data payload that provides additional information about the action. Actions are dispatched to the store using the dispatch method.

The Reducers

Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state object. The reducer function should not modify the state object directly but should create a new state object based on the action type. A reducer function typically uses a switch statement to handle different action types.

The Immutable State

In Redux, the state is immutable, which means that it cannot be modified directly. Instead, you create a new state object based on the previous state and the action that was dispatched. This makes it easier to track changes to the state and makes it possible to implement time-travel debugging and undo/redo functionality.

The Middleware

Middleware is a function that intercepts actions before they reach the reducer. Middleware can modify or delay actions and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as logging, handling asynchronous actions, and validating data.

The Subscription

Redux provides a way to subscribe to store updates and receive notifications whenever the state changes. This allows your application to react to changes in the state and update the user interface accordingly.


React-Redux is a library that provides a way to connect your Redux store to your React components. It provides the connect function, which allows you to map the state and actions of your Redux store to the props of your React components. This makes it easy to access and update the state of your application in your React components.

With an understanding of what Redux is, you may still be questioning whether you still need to use it? So, who really benefits from the use of Redux? 

If you are building a large-scale application with complex data flows, Redux can be a good choice. It provides a centralised store for your application's state, which makes it easier to manage and track changes to the state. With Redux, you can also manage asynchronous actions using middleware, which makes it easier to handle complex data flows.When  your application has multiple data sources, such as APIs or databases, Redux can be a good choice. With Redux, you can manage the state of your application in a single location, even if the data is coming from multiple sources. This makes it easier to keep track of changes to the state and to handle errors and edge cases.


Collaboration is key to success as a developer and often there can large amounts of people requiring input if this is you, Redux can be a good choice.With Redux, the state of your application is managed in a single location, which makes it easier for different developers to work on different parts of the application without stepping on each other's toes. Redux also encourages a unidirectional data flow, which makes it easier to reason about how data is flowing through your application.

If you need to ensure that your application's state changes are predictable and easy to test, Redux can be a good choice. With Redux, the state changes are handled by pure functions called reducers, which take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. This makes it easy to test the state changes and ensure that they are predictable.

If you need to implement time-travel debugging or undo/redo functionality in your application, Redux can be a good choice. Because the state in Redux is immutable, it's easy to track changes to the state over time and to implement time-travel debugging and undo/redo functionality.

It is likely that if you are considering Redux, you’re a programmer, you’re a developer, you are not new to this field. But it doesn’t harm to ask; how easy is it to get to grips with Redux? 

Learning Redux can be relatively easy if you already have familiarity with JavaScript and React. Since Redux is built on top of these technologies, having a good understanding of them is crucial. On the other hand, if you are new to JavaScript and React, learning Redux can be more challenging.

To use Redux effectively, you need to understand the concepts of actions, reducers, immutable state, middleware, subscription, and React-Redux. Initially, these concepts may seem overwhelming. However, they are essential to using Redux effectively. Once you have a good understanding of these concepts, using Redux can become easier. The complexity of your application can also impact how easy it is to use Redux. If your application is relatively simple, then using Redux may be overkill. However, if your application is complex and has many state changes, then Redux can help you manage the state more effectively. Generally, the more complex your application is, the more beneficial Redux can be. 

Like any new technology, there is a learning curve associated with learning Redux. However, there are many resources available to help you learn Redux, including documentation, tutorials, and courses. With the right resources and some practice, you can learn to use Redux effectively.

How to Install Redux

Step 1: Set up your project

Before you can install Redux, you need to set up your project. For example, if you're using React, you can create a new React app using create-react-app. If you're using another framework or library, make sure to set up your project according to its documentation.

Step 2: Install Redux

Once your project is set up, you can install Redux using NPM or Yarn. Open a terminal window and navigate to your project directory. Then, run one of the following commands:


These commands will install Redux and its dependencies in your project. Once the installation is complete, you can import Redux into your project.

Step 3: Import Redux

To use Redux in your project, you need to import it into your code. In a JavaScript file, you can import Redux using the following code:

This code imports the createStore function from the redux package. You can use this function to create a Redux store in your application.

Step 4: Create a Redux store

To create a Redux store, you need to define a reducer function that describes how your application's state changes in response to actions. Here's an example of a reducer function:

This reducer function takes the current state and an action as parameters and returns a new state. Once you've defined your reducer function, you can create a Redux store using the following code:

This code creates a Redux store using the createStore function and your reducer function.

Step 5: Use Redux in your application

Now that you've installed and set up Redux, you can start using it in your application. You can dispatch actions to the Redux store using the dispatch method, and you can retrieve the current state of your application using the getState method. Here's an example of using Redux in a React component:

This code uses the useDispatch and useSelector hooks from the react-redux package to interact with the Redux store. The count variable retrieves the current state of the application, and the buttons dispatch actions to the Redux store.

Installing Redux is a straightforward process that involves setting up your project, installing Redux using NPM or Yarn, importing Redux into your code, creating a Redux store, and using Redux in your application. 

Why you need to implement Redux?

In conclusion, using Redux can bring a lot of benefits to your web application. By managing the state in a centralised store, Redux helps keep your application's data consistent and makes it easier to debug and maintain. Additionally, Redux provides a clear separation of concerns between state management and view rendering, making it easier to reason about and scale your application. While Redux has a learning curve and may not be necessary for simpler applications, it can greatly improve the architecture and scalability of more complex applications. By understanding the key concepts of Redux and using it effectively, you can create more efficient and robust web applications.

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