
Web Design Usability Statistics You Must Know

Created: Jun 20, 2016

Updated: June 19, 2024

Does your website have a clear call to action? Research shows that 70% of small business websites does not have a clear call to action and 85% of website visitors expect the company’s website to look similar or better on their mobile devices compared to desktop versions. Have a look at the below infographic on web design usability to learn more about the latest business web design usability statistics and how you can make use of them to further your business online and convert web visitors into paying customers. Nowadays all players can enjoy playing newest mobile casino as these https://casinomasta.com/mobile-casinos/ . Besides websites that are available on mobile, they also have apps which you can find on AppStore or PlayMarket.

Web Design Usability Statistics

Infographic by GO Globe Web Design Company

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Web Design Usability Statistics

47% of users expect a web page to load as quickly as two seconds or less.

39% of users will stop engaging with a website and leave if images take long to load.

Given 15 minutes to consume content, two-thirds of web visitors would prefer to read visually well designed pages instead of plain look.

44% of visitors will leave the website if it lacks contact details or a phone number.

38% of visitors will stop engaging if the website content and layout is unattractive.

Websites with 51-100 pages generate 48% more traffic compared to websites with 1-50 pages.

Information visitors expect on vendor’s homepage website

Information %age
Products and services 86%
Contact information 64%
About/ Company Information 52%
Testimonials 27%
Marketing Collateral 23%
Social Media Icons 12%
Blog 8%
Pricing 2%

Top reasons for not having a business website

Reason %age
Business currently does not need one 41%
Cost 19%
Lack of time 16%
Too complex 9%
Business will never need one 4%
Others 11%

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