
Tips to Tailor your Blog Content for Local Search

Created: Oct 13, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

It has slowly become a fact that anyone without power or a stronger voice is not going to get even the slightest possible chance to be heard amongst the crowd. No doubt it is considerably hard to grasp attention globally, but where there is a will there is always a way. If you want to get a chance at voicing out your capabilities, you need to take things slow and start by proving yourself locally and then shift to globally advertising yourself as a bigger brand.

Here are a couple of ways to shoot at the local community in your posts, and score!

1.  Use the ‘Trending Now’ queries in your local search as your first Strategy

This is your first move to make your picture a lot brighter in the eyes of your audience. How? It is simple really. Just try to keep an open eye to spot the queries and keywords that have been used frequently by your local crowd to target what you need to have in your content.

To be a bit more specific you just need to spot what are the main local keywords that are helping to drive traffic your way, how they affect boosting the value of your business and whether you are driving the kind of crowd you need to in order to achieve massive results.

2.  Speak the holy language of your audience

To grasp the attention in your local area, you must think, act and speak like them to make them feel you are at least of the same species here. Nobody wants an off feeling, where they don’t understand anything and are forced to seek help from Google Translate; which 70% of the time isn’t that helpful.

By ‘speaking their language’ I don’t only mean their native tongue I also mean it in terms of slang and how one another seems to have a conversation in real life. And in this, you need to discuss their hot topics, be it a local event everyone is excited for, or a celebrity everyone is obsessing over! But keep in mind your references should only be any of these if it is considered relevant to the discussion to begin with.

3.  Show-off the local events and be a part of the local community

It might seem hard to believe but there actually is a real world beyond the community online. The smartest move that can be made is to tie down your product or services to the local community charity, in a more tangible and meaningful way.

This would be of a major benefit, including online and offline brand awareness, increase of business contacts and creating a positive impression of the brand in the local community.

Showcasing the local events in your blog is the best way to drive some local traffic to your site. This is the cleverest way to wrap your products or services that your business offers with the activities of the local community. Make sure you keep the posts informative, entertaining and light-hearted and don’t go for the hard-sell.

4.  Seasonal offers are the absolute bomb of the century

Ever noticed how easy it seems to be for travel agencies and resorts to offer seasonal offers to lure in tourists from all over the world? Simply think how a change in the season affects your business.

Like imagine you are blogging about a vineyard, then automatically the issues, topics, growing season and harvest are the topics that must be checked off your list before you post the blog.

5. Hello!? 21st century here. Mobile optimization please?

There is nothing that cannot be done with the help of a mini pocket assistant; also more commonly known as a smartphone. From starting up your car in the morning with a simple click on your phone all the way to a face-to-face chit-chat with your best friend over a billion miles away, smartphones are definitely the new scene. Here is an interesting infographic on smartphone usage.

The GPS system combine with a smartphone should be considered as a lethal weapon for your company, in a good way that is. It helps any customer to find local businesses for their convenience.

Majority of the local tech-savy that have a smartphone on them will do their research over these devices and what better time would that be to have your site fully optimized than that!? That means that if your site is fully optimized for mobile devices then your sales conversions will surely be boosted in no time.

6.  From here to there: Blog content sharing via social media platforms

The most basic content marketing tactic on the block is posting via social media. It seems to be it is so basic that it often tends to get the cold shoulder and ends up being inexplicably overlooked. Facebook and Twitter seem to offer the opportunity of having a taste of the limelight by exposing your content to an extended network of possibly future clients and customers. See what people like to share on social media.

It also tends to reinforce your business and brand’s authority and relevance in the eyes of your customers. Once you click share, consider your content everywhere without opting the paid tactics!

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