
Tips To Increase Holiday Sales In But Not Limited to UAE

Created: Aug 09, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

Holidays are fun and everyone likes to have them on and off in a year, but what about the ones who runs a business. If you are the one who runs a business, do you like holidays? Is it fun for you? Well it doesn’t matter as here are the tips to increase the sales in holidays.

Eid Greetings

Wishing your current and prospective customers on Eid builds a strong relationship with them. This will also remind your company name to your customers. The feeling of connectivity will let your customer feel the bond and will create the appreciation. This will help you to increase the awareness of your business as who so ever sees the greeting card will not only remember of your business but will also relate it to the connections they possess. Once you wish it is the best time to offer them some personalized discount on the products that you see the customer might need on Eid.

Appreciate Your Customers

Show them your gratitude not only by sending the Islamic New Year greeting cards but the Gregorian New Year greeting cards as well. With this you will be reconnecting your business with your customers. This will be a nice gesture to say “thank you for being with us in last year” and it will enforce that we expect you to be with us in coming year too. Here even a New Year sale can also be introduced. You can sell gift certificates for the products or services you provide, so that the customer even comes next year too.

new year

Tie the Knots Strong

Coupons can be shared in the greeting cards. This will increase sale and even gives a gesture of care and concern by remembering your customer and offering them a percentage off or buy one get one or any other coupon. The more value you can show your clients the more your business will prosper.

Put Smile by Giving

Ramadan is a very special occasion for Muslims and in this month mostly charity and donations are made to the needy ones and poor’s. This month is a month of giving, thus if a percentage or a fixed amount is offered as donation from sales. It will be an effective tool to show the corporate social responsibility and the care and concern for the society which will help to increase the awareness and the customers. Here is an example of eBay donations. One can follow the same for their business to boost sales in Ramadan and Eid holidays.


Internet a Blessing

Social media is a blessing. Customers spend their most of the time on the social media. Then what else can benefit more than a social media platform, where holiday sales promotions can be promoted even before the holidays. The service providing businesses can benefit more by social media promotions as customers can easily enquire reserve or get the bookings done through the online facilities.

Urgency Helps to Win

If the promotions are done timely more and more people will be aware of the holiday sale. As many people will be aware of it more advantageous it will become, create the need and urgency by one day sale. For approaching to the current and potential customers email, direct mail and promotional campaigns are the appropriate tools, but needs to be used before the sales take place.

Add Spice with Events And Contest

Holidays can be cashed if the appropriate events or contests are planned. For example UAE National Day could be celebrated with a contest and an event, through this sale can be increased. In both, traffic will be generated and that will eventually turns the sales on.

Create New Segments

During the holidays come up with new sizes of product or design the service in a way where the low income generating niche can also be tapped. This is where new customers are build and the existing can take the more advantage which finally improves the sales.

Put Some Surprise Element

When offering gifts, you can hide your gifts to add the surprise element. Surprise will increase the amusement of getting the gifts. It won’t matter if the gift is small or big what will matter is the excitement they will have.

Time frame

The sale offer should be time restricted it will create the exclusivity and urgency. Time restriction will encourage the potential customers to consider you first and then the rest of the options. Unique and different will make you prominent among the rest and your sale can be 200 purchases or date/ day fixed.

Rely On Your Skills

Sale should be offered on the forte not on the average product or service or else on all items. Through this you attract with your forte and then you sale the other product or service as well. At times other things are not that strong to attract the customer. So when planning your sale, plan wisely and get the maximum attraction.

Make it Worthy

Adding value for your customer increases your customer’s interest in your business. Show them by spending money on your business, so that they are satisfied in a better way. Show them you value their money. This is done by adding any offer which excites the customers, buy one get one free, a coupon, a gift cards, scratch and win cards, lucky draw, etc.

Work with What You Have

For holiday you need to show the relevance to your customers and for that you need to think and work hard to plan before the event takes place. That will help you to grasp the attention. For example if you are a blogger and you share recipes, before Eid Al Adha you must share meat recipes.

Decorate Corners

On holidays a corner displaying the gifts for the specific relations can be a tool to attract customers. As it will give them the idea what to buy and they will find it time saving too. A corner can display a section for best friend gift section, for mother, for father, for son, sister, daughter brother etc.

Corner in a mall with display as per the event with the website and contact details will also work to promote your business. A corner in the street or out of the store will also work same.

Plan In Advance

Last but not least is to plan ahead. If holiday’s starts and then you plan or even a day or so before it starts, it won’t be of any use or it won’t have that strong impact than if you plan it before time. So to yield maximum benefit from holiday promotion you need to start early to grasp the attention of majority of your customers.

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