
The Role Of Social Media In Pre-Employment Candidate Screening– Statistics And Trends

Created: Feb 22, 2014

Updated: May 11, 2024

Did you know that two in five employers use social media to screen candidates?
Employers are quickly grasping that a candidate’s social media activities present a far more accurate picture of who the candidate is.Employers show great interest in knowing if a candidate is less than truthful about their qualifications or experience. So whatever you put out there, including random comments, photos and descriptions are seriouslyconsidered during
candidate evaluation.

The Role Of Social Media In Pre-Employment Candidate Screening

Infographic by - Go Globe

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Check out our infographic, “The Role Of Social Media In Pre-Employment Candidate Screening– Statistics And Trends” where we present a number of interesting facts, as follows:

•  Why employers use social media to screen candidates
•  How many employers have found negative information on candidates via social media
•  How many employers have found reasons to hire candidates based on their social media profiles
•  Which social media sites are most frequently used by employers to screen candidates before hiring them

Why Employers Use Social Networks To Screen Candidates


To evaluate candidate’s professionalism in terms of social conduct 65%
To evaluate candidate’s fit into the company culture 51%
To learn more about the candidate’squalifications 45%


43% of employers said they found information online that helped them decide not to hire a particular candidate.

Top Reasons

Inappropriate content posted online 50%
Info about candidate drinking or using drugs 48%
Bad mouthing previous employer 33%
Poor communication skills 30%
Discriminatory comments 28%
Lied about qualifications 24%


One in five hiring managers (19 percent) said they found reasons to hire a candidate from their social media profiles.

Top Reasons

Professional image 57%
Good personality 50%
A wide range of interests 50%
Background information was accurate 49%
High creativity 46%
Great communication skills 43%
Positive references from others 38%


Most Used Social Networking Sites To Screen Candidates

Social Networking


Facebook 76%
Twitter 53%
LinkedIn 48%



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