Startups Success and Failure Rate - Statistics and Trends

Created: Feb 06, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Startups Success and Failure Rate are part and parcel of economic activities. Defined as young companies aiming to develop a unique product or service, startups face a dynamic and often turbulent path. Understanding the success and failure rates of startups is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers. It sheds light on the challenges and opportunities within the startup ecosystem, guiding informed decisions and strategies.

Did you know that 74% of high growth internet startups fail due to premature scaling and 29% of startups run out of cash before they're able to get fully established. Startups that scale properly grow about times faster   than startups  that scale prematurely. 75% of startups that are funded by venture capital are never able to show investors a return on their money. Check out our new infographic on Startups success and failure rate for latest statistics and trends.

Startups success and failure rate

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Startups Success and Failure Rate Statistics

Estimated Startup Failure Rate by Number of Years

Year %age of Overall Startups Failed
1 21%
2 34%
3 42%
4 47%
5 52%
6 55%
7 58%
8 60%
9 64%
10 67%


  • 74% of high growth internet startups fail due to premature scaling.
  • Startups that scale properly about 20 faster than startups   that scale prematurely.
  • 80% of startups are self-funded whereas only 1% of funding for Startups comes from VC firms
  • 29% of businesses run out of cash before they're able to get fully established.
  • 75% of startups that are funded by venture capital are never able to show investors a return on their money.
  • 42% of startups identified “lack of a market needs for their product” as the single biggest reason for their failure
  • 20% of founders who have failed on their first Startup, succeed on their second
  • 80% of successful Startups have multiple founders
Number of founders %age of successful startups
1 20%
2 47.5%
3 7.5%
More than 3 founders 25%

Reasons for Startups Success and Failure

Innovation and Unique Value Proposition

Startups that succeed often bring something new and valuable to the market. Innovation, whether in the form of a new product, service, or business model, can set a startup apart from competitors.

Market Demand and Timing

A keen understanding of market demand and perfect timing can significantly enhance a startup’s chances of success. Identifying a genuine need and addressing it at the right moment can lead to rapid adoption and growth.

Strong Leadership and Team

Successful startups are usually driven by passionate and skilled founders and a cohesive team. Leadership plays a crucial role in guiding the startup through challenges and scaling the business effectively.

Lack of Market Need

The primary reason for startup failure is the lack of market need for the product or service. Even the most innovative ideas can fail if there isn’t a substantial market demand.

Poor Business Model

A flawed business model that doesn’t effectively monetize the product or service can lead to failure. Startups need a clear and sustainable path to profitability.

Financial Mismanagement

Many startups fail due to poor financial planning and management. Running out of cash is a common pitfall, emphasizing the need for prudent financial strategies and securing sufficient funding.

Ineffective Marketing Strategies

Without effective marketing, even the best products can struggle to gain traction. Startups must invest in marketing to reach and engage their target audience.

Trends in Startup Success and Failure

Increasing Rate of Startup Formation

In recent years, there has been an increase in the rate of startup formation. This trend is driven by technological advancements, lower entry barriers, and a growing entrepreneurial culture.

Impact of Technology and Digital Transformation

Technology and digital transformation have drastically changed the startup landscape. Startups leveraging AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies have unique opportunities and challenges.

Globalization and Cross-Border Startups

Globalization has opened new markets for startups, allowing them to operate and compete on an international scale. However, it also brings challenges such as navigating different regulatory environments. Startups success and failure can have positive or negative impacts due to globalization.

Startups success and failure: successful ventures

Case Study: Airbnb

Airbnb disrupted the hospitality industry by offering a platform for individuals to rent out their homes. Starting in 2008, it grew into a billion-dollar company by tapping into the sharing economy and providing a unique value proposition.

Case Study: Uber

Uber transformed the transportation industry with its ride-hailing app. Launched in 2009, it expanded globally, offering a convenient alternative to traditional taxis and becoming a leader in the gig economy.

Case Study: SpaceX

SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk in 2002, has revolutionized space travel with its reusable rockets. Its success stems from technological innovation, ambitious goals, and substantial funding.

Startups success and failure: failed ventures

Case Study: Theranos

Theranos aimed to revolutionize blood testing but failed due to technological shortcomings and fraudulent practices. The downfall highlights the importance of transparency and robust validation of technological claims.

Case Study: Quibi

Quibi, a short form streaming service, failed despite substantial investment. Its inability to attract subscribers and competition from established platforms underscored the need for a strong value proposition and market fit.

Case Study: Jawbone

Jawbone, a pioneer in wearable technology, failed due to over-expansion and product issues. The case illustrates the risks of rapid scaling without solidifying the core product.

Geographical Differences in Startup Success and Failure

Success Rates in Silicon Valley vs. Other Regions

Silicon Valley remains a hotspot for startups, with a robust ecosystem of investors, talent, and resources. However, other regions are emerging as strong startup hubs, offering lower costs and unique advantages.

Impact of Local Ecosystems

The local ecosystem, including access to funding, talent, and networks, significantly impacts startup success rates. Regions with supportive ecosystems tend to have higher success rates.

Future Predictions for Startups Success and Failure

Emerging Industries

Emerging industries such as fintech, HealthTech, and green technology are expected to see significant startup activity. These sectors offer new opportunities for innovation and growth.

Predicted Trends in Startup Success and Failure Rates

Future trends suggest that while the formation rate of startups will continue to rise, the success rates may improve as entrepreneurs become more adept at navigating challenges and leveraging technology.


Understanding the dynamics of startup success and failure rates is essential for anyone involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. While the journey is fraught with challenges, the potential for innovation and impact is immense. By learning from both startups success and failure stories, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the complex landscape and increase their chances of building successful, sustainable businesses.

It's crucial to recognize that startups success and failure are not endpoints but part of the iterative process of entrepreneurship. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and leveraging success to propel further growth are key strategies for startups to thrive in today's competitive market. In this dynamic environment, adaptability, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence are the hallmarks of startups that defy the odds and achieve enduring success.



What percentage of startups fail in the first year to evaluate startups success and failure rate?

Approximately 21.5% of startups fail within their first year of operation.

How role does the market research play in startups success and failure?

Market research is crucial as it helps validate the demand for the product or service and guides business strategy.

Can a startup succeed without venture capital?

Yes, many startups succeed without venture capital by bootstrapping, securing alternative funding, or generating revenue early.

What are the most common industries for startups to evaluate startups success and failure?

Common industries for startups include technology, healthcare, fintech, and consumer goods.

How can a startup increase its chances of success?

A startup can increase its chances of success by addressing a genuine market need, building a strong team, managing finances wisely, and leveraging effective marketing strategies.

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