
Social Media Usage in Middle East - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Jun 04, 2013

Updated: June 19, 2024

88% of the Middle East online population uses social networking sites daily. English and Arabic are the most commonly used languages on social media platforms used by 48% and 45% of social media users. It clearly reveals that the Middle East population is becoming more active on social platforms whether it is for personal use or for business purpose.

For personal use, social media helps to share information and interests, and stay in contact with far off friends and family. It connects people crossing the global boundaries. For business purpose, social media channels help startups and established brands in building repute, brand loyalty, tackling customers’ concerns, and beating the competition.

An influential website design, having social media links help users in sharing the business with their contacts. Products get recommendations from social channels and stats reveal that buying decisions are mostly influenced by different social platforms. In Middle East, Facebook users are 94%, Twitter 52%, Google+ 46%, Instagram 14%, and LinkedIn 6%, so result-oriented social media engagement is as important for a business here as professional website design or web development services are.

Strategizing Social Media For Businesses In Middle East

It is true that for any new online business in Middle East, a passionate team of Dubai Web Design experts is needed. Social media is usually ignored from planning to implementation of the business strategies, which ultimately results in unexpected results. How can we meet or cross expectations by ignoring 88% of social media users in Middle East? Having a strong corporate presence over social media channels is integral to success.

The benefits gained from social media channels include brand awareness, business transparency, accountability, and strengthened relationships with key stakeholders. There are risks as well. Deloitte revealed a study last year, in which executives of top 300 companies considered social media engagement, the most risk factor for website repute. A single wrong message, poor interaction with customers or prospects, or negative comments can collapse the building.

Before adopting any particular global trend of social media, better to tailor that for specific business needs, considering cultural and demographic factors of Middle East.

As businesses here move on relationship-based culture, so being on social channels does not mean losing personal contacts. Actual persons should run all of the social media accounts. Better to adopt platforms supporting videos in which real company representatives communicate directly with the target audiences.

30% of the Middle East’s population ranges between 15-29 years of age, accumulating 100 million of the total population. So, any business here cannot dare to ignore such a large target audience, the common users of social media. Engage with them in an effective manner. Start activities or contests at social channels that could appeal them.

Here is given an interesting Infographic carrying stats and trends about social media usage in Middle East. Know and use them while formulating your business strategies.


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3.7% of the total worldwide internet users are from the Middle East

40.2 % of the total Middle East population has Internet access

88% of the Middle East’s online population uses social networking sites daily

Estimated number of Middle East Social Media users

Social Media Sites Number of Users (in millions)
Facebook 58
Twitter 6.5
LinkedIn 5.8

Most Commonly Used Languages

Language %age
English 48%
Arabic 45%

 Social Media User Demographics In The Middle East

Gender %age
Male 65%
Female 35%

Social Media Users By Age Distribution In The Middle East

Age group %age
16-17 9%
18-24 36%
25-34 32%
36-44 11%
44+ 12%

 The Most Popular Topics For Social Media Users In The Middle East

Topics %age
Music & Movies 67%
Community Issues 46%
Sports 43%
Politics 34%
Religion 14%

The Most Popular Social Networking Sites In The Middle East

Social Media Platform %age
Facebook 94%
Twitter 52%
Google+ 46%
Instagram 14%
LinkedIn 6%

One in four Arab Facebook users come from Egypt, while Saudi Arabia and the UAE make up 80% of users in the Gulf region.

LinkedIn outperforms Twitter across many Middle Eastern countries – most significantly, in the UAE where the business-focused network reaches more than 12% of the population (compared to around 3% for Twitter).

Percentage Of Social Media User Penetration In Middle East Countries By Social Network

Country Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
UAE 40.63 12.78 3.25
Kuwait 34.31 6.05 2.83
Jordan 34.14 2.86 0.92
Lebanon 32.71 4.35 1.81
Qatar 29.28 9.76 3.09
Bahrain 25.93 7.05 5.33
Saudi Arabia 19.18 2.47 2.89
Oman 16.62 4.07 0.34
Egypt 13.10 0.73 0.35


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