
Smartphone Users Around the World - Statistics and Facts

Created: Jan 18, 2012

Updated: July 17, 2024

Global Smartphone Usage Statistics (2024)

  • Smartphone Users: Over 3.8 billion
  • US Smartphone Users: Over 271 million
  • Android Market Share: 71.9%
  • Daily Smartphone Engagement: 94%
  • Most Popular Activities: Text Messaging (97%), Internet Browsing (91%)
  • Highest Smartphone Penetration Age Group: 25-34 (75%)
  • Age Distribution: Android (53% under 34), iPhone (49% under 34)
  • Average Data Consumption: Android (1.4 GB), iPhone (1.2 GB)
  • Average App Downloads per Month (iPhone): 71
  • Most Popular Data Usage Activity: Downloading Applications
  • Global Smartphone Penetration Leader: South Korea (95%)


Smartphones have become integral to our daily lives, shaping how we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. In 2024, the global smartphone landscape continues to evolve, with over 3.8 billion users worldwide. This article delves into the latest statistics, shedding light on usage patterns, market shares, and demographic insights that define smartphone usage.

Global Smartphone Users

In 2024, the number of smartphone users has surpassed 3.8 billion. This staggering figure highlights the ubiquitous nature of these devices. Over the past decade, the adoption of smartphones has grown exponentially, driven by technological advancements and increased accessibility. Emerging markets have significantly contributed to this growth, with countries in Africa and Asia seeing substantial increases in smartphone penetration.

Free Forced Perspective Photography of Cars Running on Road Below Smartphone Stock PhotoSmartphone Usage in the United States

The United States boasts over 271 million smartphone users, making it one of the largest markets globally. The penetration rate in the US is high, with a significant portion of the population relying on smartphones for daily activities. Compared to other countries, the US strongly prefers premium smartphones, particularly those from Apple.

Market Share of Smartphone Operating Systems

Dominance of Android

Android continues to dominate the global smartphone market with a 71.9% market share. The flexibility and variety of Android devices cater to a broad range of consumers, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. This dominance is extreme in regions such as Asia and Africa.

Market Share of iOS

Apple’s iOS holds a significant portion of the market, especially in developed regions like North America and Europe. Despite having a smaller market share than Android, iOS users tend to have higher engagement rates and spend more on apps and services.

Daily Smartphone Engagement

A remarkable 94% of smartphone users engage with their devices daily. Smartphones' essential role in modern life drives this high engagement rate. From communication and social interaction to entertainment and productivity, smartphones are indispensable.

Popular Smartphone Activities

Text Messaging

Text messaging remains the most popular among smartphone users, with 97% regularly sending and receiving texts. The simplicity and immediacy of texting makes it a preferred communication method.

Internet Browsing

Internet browsing is another highly popular activity, with 91% of users accessing the web through smartphones. Whether for information, shopping, or social media, the internet is a primary function of smartphones.

Social Media Usage

The vast majority of smartphone users frequent social media platforms. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok dominate screen time, offering continuous content and interaction.

Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming has surged in popularity, providing entertainment on the go. Casual games and more immersive experiences attract a broad audience.

Streaming Services

Streaming video and music services are essential for many users. Platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify are integral to smartphone users' daily media consumption.

The Age Group with the Highest Smartphone Penetration

The 25-34 age group has the highest smartphone penetration, with 75% of individuals in this bracket owning a smartphone. This demographic is highly tech-savvy and relies heavily on mobile technology for both personal and professional use.

Age Distribution of Android Users

Android users tend to be younger, with 53% under 34. This reflects Android’s appeal to a diverse, global audience, including younger consumers who may opt for more affordable devices.

Age Distribution of iPhone Users

Similarly, 49% of iPhone users are under 34. Apple’s strong brand appeal and premium positioning attract younger users who prioritize design, performance, and ecosystem integration.

Average Data Consumption

Data Usage by Android Users

Free Person Showing Photo of Mountains Stock PhotoAndroid users consume an average of 1.4 GB of data per month. This higher data usage can be attributed to the extensive range of applications and services available on Android devices.

Data Usage by iPhone Users

iPhone users, on average, consume 1.2 GB of data per month. The slightly lower consumption compared to Android may be due to optimized app performance and data management features on iOS.

Monthly App Downloads

iPhone users download an average of 71 apps per month. This high number reflects the vibrant app ecosystem on iOS, with many applications available for various needs and interests.

Most Popular Data Usage Activity

Downloading applications is the most data-intensive activity for smartphone users. This trend impacts data plans, with users often opting for larger data packages to accommodate their app usage habits.

Global Leader in Smartphone Penetration

South Korea leads the world in smartphone penetration, with an impressive 95% of the population owning a smartphone. Factors such as advanced infrastructure, tech-savvy population, and robust telecommunications industry contribute to this high rate.

Regional Comparisons

Smartphone penetration varies significantly across regions. While countries like South Korea and the US have high penetration rates, other regions, like Africa, are seeing rapid growth from a lower base. Economic factors, infrastructure development, and consumer preferences are crucial in these regional variations.


Smartphones will continue to be a cornerstone of modern life in 2024, with over 3.8 billion users globally. From daily engagement to app downloads, smartphones influence various aspects of our lives. As technology advances, we can expect even more integration and dependence on these versatile devices. Read more about the topic on Statista.

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