
Saudi Arabia - Tourism & Culture in Facts, Figures and Statistics

Created: Aug 30, 2023

Updated: August 30, 2023

Saudi Arabia, a land steeped in history and tradition, has been making remarkable strides in the realm of tourism and culture. Over the years, this nation has undergone a transformative journey, opening its doors to the world and showcasing its rich heritage, stunning landscapes, and modern developments. In this article, we delve into the trends and major advancements that are shaping Saudi Arabia's tourism and culture landscape in 2023.


In recent years, Saudi Arabia has been redefining its image by embracing cultural diversity and fostering a dynamic tourism industry. This shift has been largely driven by the Vision 2030 initiative, which seeks to diversify the country's economy and promote a more open and inclusive society. Saudi Arabia has worked a long way to boost its tourism. The nation has also placed a strong emphasis on conserving its cultural history through hosting festivals and events, repairing historical landmarks, and supporting traditional arts and crafts. With these programs, Saudi Arabia hopes to promote its own cultural identity and draw tourists from all over the world.

Promoting Tourism and Culture

In 2023, Saudi Arabia experienced notable improvements in both tourism and culture. The nation has actively promoted travel and has seen a surge in tourists. By investing in infrastructure, creating new tourist sites, and easing visa requirements.
Some of the notable examples of tourism in Saudi Arabia are explained in detail below.

Preserving Cultural Heritage

Amid modernization, Saudi Arabia remains committed to preserving its cultural heritage. A rich and varied cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years may be found in Saudi Arabia. The medieval Diriyah neighborhood of Riyadh presents a holistic archaeological site, the ancient Nabatean city of Al-Ula, the archeological site of Mada'in Saleh, and the breathtaking rock art of Jubbah are just a few of the notable heritages. These locations give tourists a look into Saudi Arabia's interesting past by showcasing the nation's history, architecture, and creative traditions.

Modern Architectural Marvels

The kingdom is no stranger to architectural innovation. The increase of cultural events and festivals, as well as the opening of new tourist sites like the futuristic city of NEOM, and The Qiddiya Entertainment City, are few of the major developments. The nation has also put in place a number of programs to conserve its rich cultural legacy. These futuristic developments promise immersive experiences, ranging from high-tech entertainment hubs to eco-friendly resorts.

Rise of Entertainment and Festivals

Entertainment options have significantly expanded, with international artists and performers gracing stages across the country. Festivals celebrating music, film, and art have become vibrant platforms for cultural exchange and creativity. In Saudi Arabia, there are numerous tourist attractions that are of seeing.

Eco-Tourism and Natural Wonders

Saudi Arabia's diverse landscapes, from the Red Sea coastline to desert oases, have captured the attention of eco-conscious travelers. Efforts to promote responsible tourism and protect fragile ecosystems are yielding positive results. The gorgeous Red Sea coastline, the ancient city of Jeddah, the energetic capital city of Riyadh, and the breathtaking landscapes of the Empty Quarter are a few of the more well-known ones. These locations provide a variety of modern attractions, cultural experiences, and scenic landscapes.

Culinary Adventures: A Gastronomic Journey

The Saudi culinary scene is undergoing a renaissance, blending traditional flavors with contemporary twists. Food enthusiasts can savor a fusion of tastes, from aromatic spices to modern gastronomic delights.

Evolution of the Hospitality Sector

The hospitality industry has witnessed remarkable growth, with international hotel chains establishing their presence. This expansion caters to the influx of tourists seeking luxurious and comfortable accommodations. Over two million people are expected to be accommodated in the hotels in Qiddiya while 12 million people will benefit from the project’s commercial sector.

Digital Transformation in Tourism

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing visitor experiences. Mobile apps, virtual tours, and augmented reality are being used to provide informative and engaging insights into historical sites and cultural landmarks.

Women in Tourism

Empowerment of women has taken center stage in Saudi Arabia. Women are making significant contributions to the tourism sector, from leading tour groups to managing hospitality establishments.

Spiritual Tourism: Umrah, Hajj and Holy Practices

Saudi Arabia's significance as the birthplace of Islam continues to draw millions of pilgrims for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Beyond Hajj, efforts are being made to develop religious tourism sites that offer unique spiritual experiences.

Cultural Exchange Programs

The nation's commitment to cultural exchange is evident through international collaborations and programs. This exchange fosters mutual understanding and promotes a global dialogue of art, music, and ideas.

Art, Music and Traditional Crafts

Art galleries and music festivals are proliferating, providing platforms for local and international artists to showcase their talents. This cultural renaissance is contributing to the enrichment of Saudi Arabia's artistic landscape. Crafts are also gaining prominence, as local artisans are revitalizing traditional crafts, producing intricate handmade goods that reflect Saudi Arabia's rich cultural heritage. These crafts are not only souvenirs but also a testament to the nation's artistic legacy.

Sustainable Practices and Initiatives

With a growing emphasis on sustainability, Saudi Arabia is implementing eco-friendly practices in its tourism infrastructure. From reducing plastic waste to promoting renewable energy, the country is striving to be a responsible tourist destination.

Saudi Arabia: Tourism & Culture in Facts, Figures and Statistics


Infographics by GO-Globe Saudi Arabia

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked 13th globally, advancing by 12 places on the World Tourism Organization (WTO) index, as one of the top countries receiving international tourists in 2022, compared to the 25th place in 2019.
  • More than 28 million tourists are expected to visit the Kingdom this year, in 2023.
  • The Kingdom continued to make progress in its tourism sector, as it received about 7.8 million international tourists for all purposes during the first quarter of 2023, representing its highest quarterly performance, up 64% compared to the same period in 2019.
  • The Kingdom accomplished a new achievement within the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI), marking the 33rd position globally
  • The number of international tourists who visited the Kingdom, for all travel purposes, hit 16.6 million in 2022.
  • Revenue in the Travel & Tourism market in Saudi Arabia is projected to reach US$3,819m in 2023.
  • Revenue in Saudi Arabia is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 3.87%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$4,446m by 2027.
  • The largest Travel & Tourism market in Saudi Arabia is the Hotels market with a projected market volume of US$2,506m in 2023.
  • In the Hotels market, the number of users in Saudi Arabia is expected to amount to 9.1 million people by 2027.
  • User penetration in Saudi Arabia is 25.9% in 2023 and is expected to hit 27.4% by 2027.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in Saudi Arabia is expected to amount to US$398.70.
  • In the Travel & Tourism market, 85% of total revenue in Saudi Arabia will be generated through online sales by 2027.
  • Employment opportunities within the rapidly expanding Saudi tourism sector is increasing due to tourism, which now offers 880,000 jobs countrywide.
  • NEOM is estimated to worth US$500 billion to complete. a business and tech canter, expected to contribute US$48 billion to the kingdom's gross domestic product and create 380,000 jobs.
  • Qiddiya, The New Entertainment City, planned for completion in 2035, is going to stretch over an area of 334km.
  • Qiddiya City is expected to create more than 57,000 jobs for the residents and expatriates by 2030.
  • Qiddiya is expected to contribute up to SAR 17 billion of GDP to the economy.



As Saudi Arabia continues to evolve, its tourism and culture sectors stand at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. The nation's commitment to preserving its heritage while embracing modernity has led to a thriving industry that offers something for every traveler. From historical sites to futuristic marvels, Saudi Arabia's journey is a captivating blend of the past, present, and future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Saudi Arabia safe for tourists in 2023?

A: Yes, Saudi Arabia has taken extensive measures to ensure the safety and comfort of tourists, making it a welcoming destination.

Q2: What are some must-visit cultural festivals in Saudi Arabia?

A: The Janadriyah Festival and the Red Sea International Film Festival are highly recommended for experiencing Saudi culture.

Q3: Are women travelers welcomed in Saudi Arabia?

A: Absolutely, Saudi Arabia has made great strides in welcoming women travelers and providing them with enriching experiences.

Q4: How can I learn more about Vision 2030 and its impact on tourism?

A: To learn more about Vision 2030 and its influence on Saudi Arabia's tourism industry, you can visit the official website at https://www.vision2030.gov.sa.

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