Retail Spending in Dubai – Statistics and Trends

Created: Dec 10, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know Dubai ranks only second to London as the city with the highest percentage of international retailers. And, 53.8% of major international fashion retailers currently have outlets in Dubai. Check out our infographic on Retail Spending in Dubai for latest retail spending statistics and trends.

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Estimated Retail sales in Dubai

Years Estimated Retail Sales
2013 Dh145 billion
2014 Dh152 billion
2015 Dh160 billion

Retail and the wholesale sector play a very important role in contributing to the economy of the emirate as it represents 29.2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Dubai.

Number of commercial licenses issued in 2014

Commercial Licenses Number
New 15,810
Renewed 91,997

Dubai Shopping Festival 2015 ran for 32 days from January 1 to February 1.

During the first 19th edition of Dubai Shopping Festival, the event was visited by a total of 56 million people. They spent around AED 145 billion.

The number of passengers that arrived in Dubai has increased by 12% during the festival compared to the same period last year.

Around 50% of all luxury goods sold in Dubai last year came from Dubai Mall

The Dubai Mall saw almost 80 million visitors last year, up almost seven per cent from 75 million visitors in 2013.

Around 60 per cent of The Dubai Mall visitors last year were UAE residents and other GCC tourists. The remaining 40 per cent were tourists from outside the region.

The contribution of The Dubai Mall to the city’s retail sector is significant, and is estimated to account for about 5 percent of Dubai’s GDP.

Dubai Mall is the ‘world’s most-visited lifestyle destination’ welcoming over 80 million visitors in 2014.

Destination Number of Visitors
Dubai Mall 80 Million
Times Square, New York City 39.2 Million
Central Park New York 37.5 Million
Union Station, Washington DC 32.85 Million
Niagara Falls 22.5 Million
Disneyworld’s Magic Kingdom Orlando 17.5 Million
Eiffel Tower, Paris 7 Million


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