
Online Video Consumption Middle East - Statistics and Trends

Created: Apr 27, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know four in 10 MENA nationals watch online videos daily and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is ranked second in the world by a number of daily YouTube video views with more than 310 million views. More than two hours of youtube videos are uploaded in the MENA region every minute. Check our infographic on "Online Video Consumption in the Middle East" for the latest statistics and trends.

Online video consumption middle east

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Four in 10 MENA nationals watch online videos daily and three in 10 listen to music online every day (42% and 31%). One in 10 watch films online daily (12%)

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is ranked second in the world by number of daily YouTube videos views at more than 310 million

Two hours of YouTube videos are uploaded in the MENA per minute

Percentage of Internet users who accessed online video in MENA

Country %age of Internet Users who assessed Video
Egypt 68%
Lebanon 50%
Morocco 58%
Qatar 75%
Saudi Arabia 59%
UAE 71%

70 percent of smartphone users in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the UAE watch videos on social networking websites at least once a week, compared to 65 percent of the global average.

69% of respondents in the UAE indicated smartphones as being the preferred device for consuming video and 75% of UAE respondents reported using smartphones for daily video consumption.

79% of viewers in UAE consume short-form video content (run time of under ten minutes) on smartphones as compared to 70% on laptops and 35% on television.

The youngest adults (18-24) compared to the oldest adults (45+) are twice as likely to watch online videos daily.

Favorite Online Video Genres by Gender

Genre Men Women
Sports 37% 5%
News 32% 24%
Documentaries 22% 18%
Drama 20% 26%
Fashion 5% 24%
Children/family 7% 12%


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