
Multi Device Content Consumption - Statistics and Trends

Created: Jul 04, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know that 90% of all media interactions are screen based and more than 70% of digital users access internet across multiple devices. 84% of marketers surveyed feel that a comprehensive cross-device marketing strategy is essential for the success of their online business. Check out our  infographic for latest Multi Device Content Consumption statistics and trends.

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Average time spent on devices used in average day

Smartphone 170
Computer 120
Tablet 75

Multi Screen Content penetration by Age

18-24 67%
25-49 (Men) 78%
25-49 (Women) 80%
50+ 62%

90% of multiple screen users use multiple screens sequentially to accomplish a task over time.

67% of multiscreen shoppers start shopping on one device and continue on another.

Top Activities Performed When Sequentially Screening Between Devices

Browsing the Internet 81%
Social Networking 72%
Shopping Online 67%
Searching for Info 63%
Managing Finances 46%
Planning Trip 43%
Watching Online Videos 43%

Cross Screen Behavior by Content Categories

Content Category PC Tablet Smartphone
Games 15% 24% 61%
Health 50% 5% 45%
Retail 47% 14% 39%
Social Media 28% 11% 61%
Radio 5% 16% 79%
Weather 31% 9% 60%
News 55% 6% 39%
Sports 56% 6% 38%

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