
Mobile Payment in China – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Jul 26, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know 83.4% of Chinese online users access Internet from their mobile devices as compared to 80.9% of Internet users who access Internet from PCs. The third party mobile payment mark in China is estimated to reach 18,255.98 RMB Billion by 2018. Mobile devices accounted for 42% of Alibaba sales on Singles Day in 2014 as compared to 21% in 2013. 54% of all transactions via Alipay in 2014 came from Mobile devices. Check out our infographic on "Mobile Payment in China" for more interesting facts and statistics.

Mobile Payments in China

Infographic by GO Globe Singapore

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Estimated Third Party Mobile Payment Market in China

Year Total Transaction Value in ( RMB Billion)
2014 5,992.47
2015 9,070.50
2016 12,159.04
2017 15,243.20
2018 18,255.98



Top 4 areas in China by Alipay mobile payment ratio

Area Mobile Payment Ratio
Tibet 62.2%
Shaanxi 59.6%
Ningxia 58.3%
Inner Mongolia 57.6%


Share of third-party mobile transaction volume by Mobile payment provider

Mobile Payment Provider %age
Alipay 79.9%
Tenpay 8.9%
Lakala 6.5%
China Mobile 0.6%
UMP 0.4%
China Telecom 0.3%
Qiandai 0.3%
Baidu Wallet 0.1%
Others 3.0%


Top 5 Mobile Payment Apps in China

Mobile App Million MAUs
Alipay Wallet 62.818
Tenpay 1.723
Bestpay 1.337
Alipay 0.998
Lakala 0.778


China Mobile Payment Users by Income Group

Income Group %age
Less than 1,500 Yuan 2.2%
1,500 – 3,000 Yuan 13.3%
3,000-5,000 Yuan 36.9%
5,000-10,000 Yuan 34.3%
10,000 Yuan+ 13.3%


Mobile payment usage activities by Popularity (Note – Source from 2013)

Usage Activity %age
Online Shopping 63.2%
Bank Transfer 36.3%
Credit Card Payment 31.2%
Fee Payment 25.2%
Lottery 16.4%
Tickets 11.6%
Local Lifestyle 11.2%
Financial Products 9.3%
Mobile Apps Payment 9.1%
Super Market Shopping 8.7%


Top Reasons for Using Mobile Payment ( Note – Source from 2013)

Reason %age
Convenience of Usage 44.2%
High Efficiency 40.4%
Credit Card Free 36.8%
Low Charge 24.9%
Easy to Open account 19.1%
Supplement to online payment 18.6%
High safety 15.9%
Deals and Discounts 14.1%
Required method of payment 11.3%


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