Mobile Apps in MENA – Statistics and Trends

Created: Feb 23, 2016

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know MENA region now account for 10% of global mobile app traffic and revenue generation and almost half (42%) of the respondents had downloaded more than 5 mobile apps. Check out our infographic "Mobile apps in MENA" for latest mobile apps industry statistics in Middle East and North Africa region.

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Number of app downloads by Country

Number of Apps downloaded UAE Egypt Lebanon Jordan KSA
More than 5 51% 47% 41% 40% 34%
5 9% 12% 10% 10% 8%
4 12% 10% 11% 10% 12%
3 14% 15% 18% 17% 22%
2 11% 9% 11% 13% 12%
1 4% 5% 5% 6% 9%

62% of respondents said they readily download Arabic apps.

Top countries by %age of respondents downloading Arabic apps

Country %age of respondents who downloaded Arabic Apps
Saudi Arabia 81%
Jordan 70%
Egypt 67%
Lebanon 54%
UAE 39%

Top reasons for not downloading Arabic apps

Reason %age
I prefer international apps 34%
I don’t find what I want in Arabic apps 31%
I don’t find them of good quality 30%
I had previous bad experiences with Arabic Mobile apps 16%
I don’t know how to find Arabic mobile apps 16%
I don’t trust Arabic mobile apps 12%

Free Vs Paid Apps Downloads by Country

Country Free Paid
KSA 49% 51%
UAE 59% 41%
Lebanon 59% 41%
Jordan 65% 34%
Egypt 68% 32%

App vs In-App purchases by Country

Country App-purchases In-App Purchases
KSA 51% 55%
UAE 41% 47%
Lebanon 41% 43%
Jordan 34% 38%
Egypt 32% 38%

Most interesting Apps category in MENA

Category %age
Games 60%
Social Media 37%
Music 28%
Sports 27%
Education 21%
Photography and video 20%
Shopping 18%
Health & Fitness 16%
Weather 15%
Lifestyle 14%
Travel 14%
Utilities 14%
News & Magazines 13%
Business 12%
Finance 9%
Productivity 8%
Transportation 8%

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