Updated: 17/07/2024
Have you ever wondered what a normal Internet user do? How do people spend their time online. What are the most popular Internet activities. What are the most visited websites? Or on What websites People Spend most of their time.
Our Infographic " How People Spend their Time Online" will help you in finding answers to all such questions.
Infographic by- GO-Globe
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Did you Know
Global Online Population of 2,095,006,005 equals 30% of World’s Population.
Global Time Spent Online Per Month is 35,000,000,000 hours (35 Billion) which is equivalent to 3,995,444 years
US Internet user on average spends 32 hours on internet per month. This is double than the time spent by Global Internet user i.e. 16 hours per month.
Asia has the highest online population of 922,329,554 online users whereas North America has the highest online penetration rate of 78.90%
China has the highest number of Internet users 456,238,464 i.e 34.30% of its total population
Social networking is the most time consuming activity for an Internet user. A normal Internet user spends around 22% of its time on social networking sites, 21% on searches, 20% on reading content, 19% on emails and communication, 13% on multimedia sites and 5% on online shopping
92% of Internet users have used Internet for sending e-mails and for using search engines. 83% for getting more information related to health or hobbies. 82% for searching directions. 81% for getting weather information.78% for information on new products. 76% for reading news. 72% for entertainment and 71% for online shopping.
Google is the most visited web property online. Whereas, Facebook is the biggest time. A normal Facebook users spends around 7 hours, 45 minutes and 49 seconds per month on Facebook.
Some more Interesting Facts
More than 56% of Social Networking Users have used Social Networking Sites for spying on their partners.
Brazilians have the highest online friends averaging 481 friends per user, whereas Japanese have the least average of only 29 friends.
Chinese users spend the maximum time of more than 5 hours a week,in shopping online.
More than 1 Billion Search Queries per day on Google.
4 Billion views per day on Video Sharing Website YouTube. (Social Networking site)
Video content of more than 60 hours gets uploaded every minute onto YouTube.
More than 250 Million Tweets per day.
More than 800 Million updates on Facebook per day.
Location best services and Time Shifted TV will be the most popular trends of future with growth rate of 27% followed by Internet Banking growing at 19% per year.
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