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How Organizations Structure Social Media Teams

Created: Dec 30, 2012

Updated: May 11, 2024

Learn how much efforts businesses are putting in their social media campaigns. How many people they have employed for their social media campaigns, what qualities employers look for in social media experts by our detailed infographic on How Organizations Structure their social media teams.

Data Source - https://www.ragan.com/Main/StructuringaSocialMediaTeam.aspx

How Many Organizations Have An Exclusive Social Media Team?

Number of People %age
Dedicated social media team 27%
Social media tasks assigned on top of current job responsibilities 65%
Both internal and outsourced teams 5%
All social media activities outsourced 3%


How Many People Work On Social Media?

Number of People %age
1 42%
2-3 40%
4-6 9%
6+ 9%


Companies Planning To Hire More People To Manage Social Media Activities Next Year

Companies Planning to Hire %age
Yes 22%
No 78%


25% Of Companies Use Interns To Help With Some Aspect Of Social Media

Qualities Most Sought-After In Social Media People

Qualities %age
Experience 25%
Degree 0.4%
Combination of degree and experience 45%
Writing skills 18%
Business background 3%
Others 9%


Preferred Level of Experience

Experience %age
1-3 Years 47%
3-5 Years 44%
9+ Years 9%


Preferred Education Degree

Education Degree %age
Communication 77%
Public Relations 76%
Marketing 65%
Journalism 42%
Advertising 28%
English 20%
Others 9%


Only 5% of Companies Are Highly Satisfied With Their Social Media Campaigns

Satisfaction Level %age
Highly satisfied 5%
Satisfied 26%
Somewhat Satisfied 42%
Not satisfied at all 27%


Which Departments Are Involved In Social Media Efforts?

Departments %age
Marketing 70%
Public Relations 69%
Corporate Communication 49%
Advertising 26%
Customer Service 19%
IT 17%
Others 15%
Legal 14%


How Does The Company Measure Its Social Media Campaign?

What companies measure %age
Number of followers, likes, mentions and so on 86%
Web Traffic 74%
Brand Reputation 58%
Customer Satisfaction 41%
New leads 40%
Sales 31%
Other 3%


How Often Do Companies Post On Social Media?

Posting Frequency %age
At least once a day 58%
2-3 times a week 22%
Once a week 8%
Once a month 5%
Other 7%


Major Roadblocks In Social Media Campaign Measurement

Reason %age
Lack of time 65%
Lack of manpower 63%
Lack of money 41%
Non-priority 39%
Unsure of tools 39%
Task is overwhelming 23%
Not happy with available tools 13%
Other 7%


What Are The Major Goals Of Social Media Campaigns?

Goals %age
Increase Brand Awareness 87%
Increase Web Traffic 62%
Improve Reputation 61%
Generate Leads 45%
Increase Sales 40%
Improve Customer Service 38%
Other 10%

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