
GCC's Startup Revolution: Redefining the Business Landscape

Created: Jun 26, 2023

Updated: June 19, 2024


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has witnessed a significant rise in the number of tech startups in recent years. This article explores the factors driving the growth of tech startups in the GCC region and examines the ecosystem supporting their development.

Infographics by GO-Globe GCC

Tech Startup Ecosystem in the GCC

The GCC region has been actively fostering an environment conducive to the growth of tech startups. Governments across the GCC have recognized the importance of diversifying their economies and promoting innovation. As a result, they have implemented initiatives and policies to support entrepreneurship and attract talent and investment.

Factors Driving the Growth of Tech Startups

Several factors have contributed to the rise of tech startups in the GCC region:

Government Support

Governments in the GCC have launched various initiatives to support the growth of tech startups. These include establishing innovation hubs, providing funding and grants, and simplifying regulations and licensing procedures. Such support has created a favorable environment for entrepreneurs to launch and grow their startups.

Investment and Funding

The availability of venture capital funds and angel investors has played a crucial role in the growth of tech startups in the GCC. Investors are recognizing the potential of startups in the region and are actively seeking investment opportunities. This influx of funding has allowed startups to scale their operations and develop innovative solutions.

Digital Infrastructure

The GCC region boasts advanced digital infrastructure, including high internet penetration rates, widespread mobile connectivity, and advanced telecommunications networks. This robust infrastructure provides a solid foundation for tech startups to develop and deploy their solutions.

Market Demand

The GCC region has a young and tech-savvy population with a growing appetite for digital products and services. Startups are tapping into this market demand by developing innovative solutions that cater to the needs of consumers and businesses.

Talent Pool

The GCC region has witnessed a surge in tech talent in recent years. Many graduates and professionals are choosing to work in startups, attracted by the opportunity to make an impact, work on cutting-edge technologies, and be part of a dynamic and entrepreneurial ecosystem. This availability of talent has fueled the growth of tech startups in the region.

Thriving Startup Sectors in the GCC

Several sectors have seen significant growth in tech startups within the GCC region:


With the rise of digital shopping, e-commerce startups have flourished in the GCC. These startups are leveraging technology to provide innovative online platforms, logistics solutions, and payment systems, catering to the evolving needs of consumers and businesses.


The fintech sector in the GCC has experienced remarkable growth. Startups are disrupting traditional banking and financial services by providing innovative solutions in areas such as mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, robo-advisory, and blockchain-based applications.


The healthcare industry in the GCC is undergoing digital transformation, and healthtech startups are at the forefront of this change. These startups are leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery, patient monitoring, telemedicine, and personalized medicine.

Transportation and Logistics

With the rapid growth of e-commerce and the need for efficient transportation and logistics solutions, startups in this sector have emerged to address last-mile delivery challenges, optimize supply chain operations, and provide innovative mobility solutions.

Renewable Energy

The GCC region's commitment to renewable energy has created opportunities for startups in the clean energy sector. These startups are developing innovative solutions in solar power, energy storage, and smart grid technologies.


  • More than 45 start-ups valued at a minimum of $1 billion are expected to emerge from the Middle East and North Africa by 2030, led by Saudi Arabia
  • Forbes reports that MENA’s 50 most-funded startups raised around $3.2 billion in 2022, up 6.7 percent from 2021
  • UAE’s program aims to double the contribution of the digital economy to the country’s GDP from 9.7% to 19.4% over the next 10 years
  • Only 2% of CIOs in the Middle East currently have a commercial use for the metaverse, however, 20% of them are planning to develop one in the next 12 months
  • With the combined value of the sector surpassing $11 billion in 2022, 1,031 startups and scaleups operating in the country, Saudi Arabia is a significant emerging player in global tech.
  • Saudi-based startups raised $972 million in funding in 2022, which represents a 1.5x increase from the previous year.
  • Saudi Arabia was the most funded for start-ups in the first three months of 2023, attracting $359 million out of the total $818 million capital for the MENA region.
  • FinTech was the most funded industry, attracting $365 million. It accounted for 21% of all deals in GCC
  • As per Vision 2030, approximately 115 new tech start-ups per year will be opened in the GCC region
  • Saudi Arabia's tech start-up funding has skyrocketed to up to 300% in the last five years

Challenges and Future Outlook

While the tech startup ecosystem in the GCC region is flourishing, there are challenges that need to be addressed. These include access to talent, regulatory frameworks, market fragmentation, and scaling operations beyond the local market. However, the commitment of governments and the increasing support from investors and stakeholders indicate a promising future for tech startups in the GCC.


In conclusion, the GCC region has become a vibrant hub for tech startups, driven by government support, investment, digital infrastructure, market demand, and a growing talent pool. With a thriving ecosystem and opportunities in various sectors, the future of tech startups in the GCC looks promising, contributing to the region's economic diversification and technological advancement.

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