
E-commerce's Role in Turkey's Economic Growth

Created: Aug 24, 2023

Updated: August 25, 2023


Turkey, like many other nations, faced economic challenges due to various factors, including political instability and the global pandemic. E-commerce emerged as a glimmer of hope, providing opportunities for businesses to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a changing economic landscape. In recent years, E-commerce has emerged as a powerful tool that not only revolutionizes the way we shop but also plays a significant role in boosting economies worldwide. Turkey, a country with a rich history and diverse culture, has found itself embracing E-commerce as a crucial player in its economic recovery. In this article, we will delve into the various ways E-commerce is becoming a beacon of hope for Turkey's economic resurgence.

The Growth of E-commerce in Turkey

Turkey's E-commerce sector has experienced remarkable growth, with a significant increase in online sales and digital transactions. The advancements in technology has fueled this growth, transforming the way consumers interact with businesses.
E-commerce has in fact been a major factor in Turkey's economic resurgence and a ray of hope. The expansion of internet shopping has given companies the chance to access a larger customer base, increase consumer spending, and support the nation's overall economic growth. The way that internet platforms are influencing Turkish trade is fascinating to observe!

Enhanced Market Accessibility through Digitalization

E-commerce has broken down geographical barriers, enabling businesses to reach customers across the nation and beyond. This digitalization has democratized access to markets, empowering even small businesses to compete on a larger scale.

E-commerce's Impact on Small Businesses

Small businesses form the backbone of Turkey's economy. E-commerce provides them with a platform to showcase their products and services without the overhead costs of traditional retail spaces. This inclusivity contributes to economic growth and job creation.

Employment Opportunities in the Digital Marketplace

The rise of E-commerce has led to an increase in job opportunities in various fields, from digital marketing to logistics and customer support. This shift to online business models has diversified the job market and decreased unemployment rates.

Cross-Border Trade and Global Outreach

E-commerce facilitates cross-border trade, allowing Turkish businesses to connect with international consumers. This global outreach not only increases revenue but also promotes cultural exchange and international cooperation.

Innovations in Payment Systems

Secure and efficient online payment systems have played a pivotal role in E-commerce's growth. With advancements in payment gateways and digital wallets, consumers can make transactions with confidence, boosting their trust in online shopping.

E-commerce's Role in Tourism

The tourism industry suffered significant setbacks due to travel restrictions. However, E-commerce has provided a lifeline by enabling virtual tours, online bookings, and souvenir sales. This integration of technology and tourism has aided in the sector's revival.

Challenges and Solutions in E-commerce Growth

While E-commerce offers numerous opportunities, challenges such as cybersecurity threats and logistical complexities must be addressed. Collaborative efforts between businesses, the government, and tech experts are essential to mitigate these challenges.

Government Initiatives to Promote E-commerce

The Turkish government has recognized the potential of E-commerce in driving economic recovery. Initiatives to foster digital literacy, improve infrastructure, and provide incentives to E-commerce businesses are paving the way for sustainable growth.

Sustainable E-commerce Practices

As E-commerce continues to expand, sustainability has become a crucial concern. Businesses are adopting eco-friendly practices, from packaging to supply chain management, contributing to both economic and environmental well-being.

E-Commerce and Turkey: Facts, Figures and Statistics


Infographics by GO-Globe Turkey

  • Turkey's GDP (PPP) resulted to $3.573 trillion in 2023, while its GDP (PPP) per capita increased to $41,412 in 2023.
  • 83% of the total population of Turkey had access to Internet in 2023.
  • E-commerce market size in Turkey by the end of 2022 was calculated as TRY 800.7 billion.
  • Since online shopping is gaining prominence, E-commerce share in total retail sales were 20.4% in the year 2022.
  • The number of e-commerce transactions in Turkey came out to be 563.38 million for the year 2022.
  • In 2022, nearly 64% of the population purchased a product or service online, at least once.
  • Turkey is the 19th largest market for eCommerce with a predicted revenue of US$18,696.1 million by 2023.
  • Revenue in the Turkish E-commerce market is expected to show a compound annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 13.6%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$31,185.0 million by 2027.
  • With an expected increase of 26% in 2023, the Turkish eCommerce market contributed to the worldwide growth rate of 9.6% in 2023.
  • Five markets are considered by within the Turkish eCommerce market:
  1. 42.3% - Electronics & Media
  2. 18.5% - Toys, Hobby & DIY
  3. 18.4% - Fashion
  4. 11.3% - Furniture & Appliances
  5. 9.6% - Food & Personal Care
  • According to the survey done by the Turkish Statistical Institute, 92% of the households had access to the Internet from home in 2021, which was an increase from 90.7% in 2020.
  • For payment, debit and credit cards are the most popular method in online stores in Turkey: they represent nearly 60% of payments.
  • In 2023, cash on delivery makes up 7% of transactions. Bank transfers account for approximately 11% of online payments. Digital wallets represent roughly 11% of all online transactions.



E-commerce's role in Turkey's economic recovery cannot be overstated. It has brought forth a wave of transformation, empowering businesses, creating jobs, and fostering international connections. As Turkey navigates its path toward economic resurgence, E-commerce remains a beacon of hope, guiding the way to prosperity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How has E-commerce contributed to Turkey's economic recovery?

E-commerce has stimulated growth by providing businesses with a broader customer base and enabling global trade.

Q2: What challenges does E-commerce face in Turkey?

Challenges include cybersecurity risks, logistics complexities, and the need for sustainable practices.

Q3: How is the government supporting E-commerce growth?

The government is promoting E-commerce through initiatives that enhance digital literacy and provide incentives to businesses.

Q4: What is the significance of sustainable E-commerce practices?

Sustainable practices not only benefit the environment but also contribute to the long-term economic health of the nation.

Q5: What can we expect from the future of E-commerce in Turkey?

The future holds innovations like augmented reality shopping and AI-driven customer service, transforming the E-commerce landscape.

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