
E-Commerce in Asia Pacific - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Mar 15, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know the  eCommerce Market in Asia Pacific  is estimated To Reach US$1.4 Trillion In 2020. China accounts for 63.2% of digital buyers in Asia Pacific followed by India (10.4%) and Japan (9.4%). Retail e-commerce now accounts for 10.2% of all retail sales in Asia-Pacific and is projected to rise to 20.4% of the total by 2019. Check out our infographic on "E-commerce in Asia Pacific" for latest statistics and trends.

E-commerce in Asia Pacific

Infographic by GO Gulf Web Designing Company in Doha, Qatar

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Estimated Number of digital buyers in Asia Pacific

Year Number of Digital Buyers (in Millions)
2016 812.2
2017 921.6
2018 1025.1
2019 1139.6


Digital buyer distribution in Asia Pacific (By Country)

Country %age
China 63.2%
India 10.4%
Japan 9.4%
South Korea 3.6%
Indonesia 1.7%
Australia 1.6%
Others 10%


Retail ecommerce now accounts for 10.2% of all retail sales in Asia-Pacific and is projected to rise to 20.4% of the total by 2019

Share of B2C e-commerce sales in the Asia Pacific region from 2010 to 2016, by country

Country %age
China 56.6%
Japan 21%
Australia 6.4%
South Korea 4%
India 4.3%
Indonesia 1.9%
Others 5.8%


46% of total Asia Pacific online retail sales were done by mobile phones in 2015, and is expected to reach 69% of total online retail sales by 2020

Apparel and accessories is the largest category and accounts for more than 20% of online retail sales in Asia Pacific

Estimated size of online retail market of Countries by 2020

Country Online Retail Market (in BIllion USD)
China 1100
Japan 122
India 75
Australia 38
South Korea 65


Retail E-commerce Sales as Percentage of Total Retail Sales

Country %age of Total Retail Sales
China 33.6%
South Korea 14.7%
Japan 9.7%
Australia 7.2%
India 4.8%
Indonesia 4.4%
Others 3.8%

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