
Digital Ad Spend in The Middle East – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Sep 24, 2013

Updated: June 19, 2024

Digital advertising spending in the Middle East is growing at a staggering rate of 37% each year. Currently, estimated at 10% of the total Ad spend, digital Ad spending in the Middle East is expected to reach $1 Billion by 2017. Check out our new infographic, ‘Digital Ad Spending In The Middle East’ for the latest statistics and trends pertaining to the online advertising industry in the Arabic world.


Middle East Digital Ad Spend Could Hit $1 Billion In 5 Years

Total advertising spend in the Middle East is estimated to reach $5 Billion by 2013

MENA online advertising is growing at an unprecedented rate of 37%per year

The total digital advertising spend in the Middle East is currently 8 to 10% of the total global Ad spend

Estimated Share Of Ad Spend In The Middle East Within The Global Ad Spend

 Year %Of Global Ad Spend
2013 3.7%
2014 4.6%
2015 5.7%
2016 7.2%
2017 8.9%


Percentage Of Ad Spend In Arabic Countries Within The Total GCC Ad Spend

The UAE accounts for 47.1% of GCC online Ad spend, followed by Saudi Arabia at 33.3%

Country % Of Total Online Ad Spend
UAE 47.1%
Saudi Arabia 33.3%
Others 19.6%

Average Online Ad Spend Per Internet User In The UAE And Saudi Arabia

Country Average Online Ad Spend Per Internet User
UAE $31.40
Saudi Arabia $7.80

Top 10 Digital Ad Spending UAE Industries

Ad Spending Industry %
Banking & Finance 11.4%
Real Estate 11.2%
Automotive 10.0%
Telecom Services 5.8%
Education 4.8%
Leisure & Entertainment 4.4%
Airlines 4.3%
Health & Beauty 4.3%
Hotels & Resorts 3.8%
Restaurants & Bars 3.0%
Others 37.0%


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