
Cross Border E-Commerce Shopping in UAE - Statistics and Trends

Created: Jan 17, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know more than 60% of UAE shoppers have shopped from other countries online and B2C cross Border E-commerce trade Volume in Middle East and Africa is estimated to reach 26 Billion by 2020. Check out our infographic on "Cross Border E-commerce Shopping in UAE" for latest statistics and trends.

Cross border ecommerce shopping UAE

Infographic by GO-Globe Dubai Website

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Top Product Categories for Cross-border E-commerce

Product Category %age
Travel and Transportation 43%
Clothing, Footwear and accessories 40%
Consumer Electronics 35%
Jewelry and Watches 33%
Event tickets 30%
Cosmetics and Beauty 24%
Digital Media Products 22%
Household Goods 15%

Top countries preferred for Cross Border Shopping by UAE Shoppers

 Country %age
US 30%
UK 18%
India 18%
Inter-Mena Region 25%

%age of Cross Border purchases by Device

Device %age
Desktop / Laptop 55%
Smartphone 31%
Tablet 9%
Others 5%

Top Reasons for Consumers to do Cross Border Shopping

Reasons %age
Better prices 76%
Access to items not available in country 65%
To discover new products 59%
Wide variety of products 52%
Affordable shipping costs 50%

Top Barriers of Cross Border shopping

Barriers %age
Shipping Costs 35%
Concern that item may not be received 33%
Custom Duty / Taxes 30%
High Delivery Time 29%
Concern that Item would not be as described 29%

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