
Chinese Exports In Numbers – Statistics And Trends

Created: Mar 21, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know that around 30.1% of the workforce in China is employed by the Chinese industry sector, as compared to only 8.2% in the United States? It’s also true that China’s manufacturing sector currently accounts for about 30% of the country’s GDP.

Check out our infographic, "Chinese Exports In Numbers – Statistics And Trends” for more such interesting and thought-provoking facts and stats.


Chinese export in numbers

Infographic by a GO Globe Shanghai web design Company

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  • China became the world's largest exporter in 2013. It exported $2.21 trillion of its production, followed by Europe ($2.173 trillion) and the U.S. ($1.575 trillion)
  • China accounts for around 18.9% of the world’s manufacturing output, compared to 18.2% (United States).
  • Out of the top 17 global smartphone makers, 10 are based in China, according to Strategy Analytics. Xiaomi ranked third in total production, and Huawei ranked fifth.
  • 75% of world’s toys are manufactured in China

Top 10 Export Product Categories By Market Share

 Product Category %age
Electronic equipment 25.4%
Machinery 17.3%
Knit or crochet clothing and accessories 4.4%
Furniture, lighting , signs and prefabricated buildings 3.9%
Optical, technical and medical apparatus 3.4%
Non-knit and non-crochet clothing and accessories 3.1%
Plastics 2.8%
Vehicles excluding trains and streetcars 2.7%
Iron or steel articles 2.6%
Footwear 2.3%


Top 10 Chinese Exports In 2014 (In Billions)

Product Category Estimated Exports In Billions
Automatic data processing machines and units 163.42
Textile garments 155.17
Steel products 70.84
Electronic integrated circuits 60.86
Footwear 56.26
Furniture 52.03
Textile yarn, fabrics and make-up articles 32.64
Refined petroleum products 25.40
Toys 14.13
Aquatic products 14.08


Top 10 Countries That Import Chinese Products

Country Estimated Value Of Products Imported In 2014 ( In Billions)
United States 396.05
Hong Kong 363.20
Japan 149.65
South Korea 100.41
Germany 72.73
Netherlands 64.93
Vietnam 63.61
United Kingdom 57.16
India 54.23
Russia 53.68



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