
AI and ML in B2B: Stats and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Sep 26, 2022

Updated: May 19, 2023

Everyone wants a personalized, customized experience tailored to their needs and requirements. And with their demands being met by more than one service provider, people are increasingly choosing a service based on the level of customization that it can provide.

It might feel like this applies to B2C organizations, but it is very much true for B2B Technology companies. More and more companies are turning to Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) to meet the demands of their customers.

Customers have the same expectations for a simple and easy buying experience whether it’s a B2C or B2B interaction. So, if you’re in the B2B space, I hope your organisation is beginning to explore and plan for, if not already implemented, big data and machine learning to your operations

Infographics by E-commerce Saudi Arabia

Though, it's a prediction that might not be too far from the truth. In fact, the global AI market is predicted to reach $190.61B market value by 2025.

Current market and future growth

75% Enterprises Will shift from piloting to operationalizing AI, causing a 5X increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructure
127 Devices Get connected to the internet every second
By 2025 The Internet of Things global market is expected to grow around 1.6T dollars
By 2025 The AI industry will be generating revenues of $119B a year
By 2030 The AI industry could be worth more than $15T
By 2030 China will be the biggest AI market, accounting for 26% of the global AI market share.
80% Of Executives Currently accelerating their business process automation efforts
25% Of Companies Already use AI in workflow automation, while 51% of enterprises are planning to do so shortly
Through 2022 Every company could have 35 AI projects in development
By 2026 The use of AI and ML in cybersecurity is expected to reach $38.2B

Benefits of AI in B2B

64% of B2B marketers Consider AI valuable for their sales and marketing strategy
83% of early AI adopters Have already achieved substantial (30%) or moderate (53%) economic benefits
41% of marketing executives Say improving their ability to innovate is a marketing priority for 2022
63% of Digital Marketing Leaders Still Struggle with Personalisation, Yet Only 17% Use AI and Machine Learning Across the Function
84% of digital marketing leaders Believe using AI/ML enhances the marketing function’s ability to deliver real-time, personalised experiences to customers.

Challenges of AI in B2B

76% of CEOs Are most concerned with the potential for bias and lack of transparency when it comes to AI adoption
77% of CEOs Say AI and automation will increase vulnerability and disruption to the way they do business
Through 2022 85% of AI projects will deliver erroneous outcomes due to bias in data, algorithms, or the teams responsible for managing them
40% of Executives Say that technologies and expertise are too expensive
93% of Automation Technologists Feel unprepared or only partially prepared to tackle the challenges associated with smart machine technologies
63% of B2B marketers Are not using AI in their tech stack

Traditional marketing powered by AI

71% of B2B marketers Are interested in using AI for personalisation
63% of B2B marketers Are interested in using AI to identify trends
59% of B2B marketers Expect AI to help identify prospective customers
53% of B2B marketers Expect AI to improve marketing effectiveness in driving revenue.
87% of companies That have adopted AI were using it to improve email marketing
61% of marketers Were also planning to use artificial intelligence in sales forecasting
61% of marketers Say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy

AI powered tech
As per Gartner reports, public cloud services will be essential for 90% of data and analytics innovation.
The wearable artificial intelligence market will reach $180B by 2025.
There will be 8B voice assistants by 2023.
97% of mobile users are using AI-powered voice assistants

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