
Things That Happen On Internet Every 60 Seconds

Created: Aug 21, 2017

Updated: June 19, 2024


The internet is a bustling hub of interest, with thousands of users contributing to a constant flow of facts. Every 60 seconds, an astounding quantity of content material is created, shared, and fed on throughout the globe. In this newsletter, we will discover some of the most top-notch things that show up on the net in only one minute, shedding light on the vastness and dynamism of the digital world.

Things that happen on Internet Every 60 Seconds 2017 Statistics

Social Media Activity


Every minute, Facebook sees a flurry of interest. Approximately 1.4 million human beings log in, and one hundred fifty thousand messages are dispatched. Users post around 147,000 photos and 510,000 comments, making it a colorful platform for interaction and content sharing.


Instagram, the visible-centric platform, reviews around 347,000 testimonies published each minute. Additionally, users like over 4.2 million posts, showcasing the platform's engagement tiers.


Twitter, recognized for its fast news dissemination, has statistics of about 350,000 tweets per minute. This makes it an essential platform for real-time statistics and traits.


TikTok, the rising celebrity of social media, sees users watching around 167 million videos every minute. Its brief-form content has captivated audiences internationally, driving massive engagement.


Content Consumption


On YouTube, users watch over 4.5 million videos every minute. The platform's considerable array of content material ensures there may be something for every person, from tutorials and vlogs to tune films and documentaries.


Netflix subscribers circulate about 28,000 hours of content material each minute. This highlights the growing choice of on-demand video streaming offerings.


Spotify customers move around 70,000 hours of music every minute. With its large library and personalized playlists, Spotify has emerged as a go-to platform for tune lovers.


E-commerce Transactions

Online Shopping

E-commerce is prospering, with consumers spending around $1 million per minute online. Major platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay facilitate millions of transactions, making online shopping more accessible than ever on internet

Payment Processing

Payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe process around 1.4 million transactions every minute. This underlines the importance of steady and efficient price answers in the virtual age of internet.



Email remains a cornerstone of online communication, with over 190 million emails sent every minute. This includes personal correspondence, marketing campaigns, and transactional emails.

WhatsApp and Messenger

WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger handle around 69 million messages every minute. These instant messaging platforms have revolutionised the way we communicate, offering quick and convenient ways to stay in touch.


Web Searches and Data Transmission

Google Searches

Google processes approximately 5.7 million searches every minute. As the most popular search engine, it plays a vital role in how we access information online.

Cloud Storage

Cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive handle over 1.2 petabytes of data transfer every minute. This highlights the increasing reliance on cloud storage for personal and professional use.

Internet Traffic

Global internet traffic exceeds 6 petabytes per minute. This immense data flow includes everything from social media interactions and video streaming to online gaming and software updates.


Cybersecurity Threats

Cyber Attacks

Cybersecurity remains a critical concern, with around 95 cyber attacks occurring every minute. These attacks range from phishing attempts to ransomware and data breaches, underscoring the need for robust security measures.

Data Breaches

Approximately 1,400 data records are compromised every minute. This highlights the ongoing challenges in protecting sensitive information in an increasingly digital world.

Things that Happen on Internet every 60 Seconds

  • Around 700,000 Hours of Videos watched and more than 400 Hours of Videos Uploaded on Youtube
  • Google processes approximately 5.7 million searches every minute
  • More than 3.8 Million Searches on Google
  • More than 243,000 photos uploaded and 70,000 hours of video content watched on Facebook
  • More than 350,000 Tweets Sent on Twitter
  • More than 65,000 photos have been uploaded on Instagram
  • More than 210,000 snaps have been uploaded on Snapchat
  • Cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive handle over 1.2 petabytes of data transfer every minute
  • 120 New accounts created on LinkedIn
  • More than 156 Million emails were sent.
  • WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger handle around 69 million messages every minute
  • More than 29 Million Messages were processed, 1 Million photos were taken, and 175,000 Video messages were shared on WhatsApp
  • More than 87,000 hours of video have been watched on Netflix
  • Cybersecurity remains a critical concern, with around 95 cyber attacks occurring every minute
  • More than 25,000 posts on Tumblr
  • 16,550 Video Views on Vimeo
  • Payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe process around 1.4 million transactions every minute
  • More than 500,000 Apps have been downloaded.
  • More than 80 New Domains have been registered.
  • More than 1,000,000 Swipes and 18,000 Matches on Tinder
  • Around 200 Event Tickets were sold on EventBrite
  • More than 50 New reviews have been posted on Yelp
  • More than 1000 images have been uploaded on Imgur
  • More than 2,000,000 minutes of calls done by Skype users
  • More than 800,000 files have been uploaded on Dropbox
  • Approximately 1,400 data records are compromised every minute
  • More than 5,500 check-ins on Foursquare


The internet is a dynamic and ever-evolving entity, with a superb quantity of interest going on each minute. From social media interactions and content intake to e-commerce transactions and fact transmission, the virtual panorama is bustling with electricity and innovation. Understanding the size of those activities helps us recognize the profound impact the internet has on our everyday lives.

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