
Mobile Vs Desktop Internet Usage – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Created: Nov 25, 2016

Updated: June 19, 2024

Did you know 78% of global internet users access the internet via mobile devices and nearly 85 percent of internet usage will be mobile by 2028. Check out our infographic for comparison between mobile Vs desktop internet usage and latest statistics and trends.

Internet Usage - Mobile Vs Desktop

Infographic by GO Globe Hong Kong Web Design Company

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Estimated Global mobile data traffic (in exabytes per month)

 Year Traffic  (in exabytes per month)
2020 30.6
2021 77
2022 86
2023 98
2024 115

Mobile and tablet devices internet usage exceeds desktop for first time worldwide and accounted for 72% of internet usage worldwide compared to 28% by desktop.

Mobile devices now represent 65 percent of all digital media time whereas desktop accounts for only 35% of digital media time spent.

Share of content category Mobile vs Desktop Internet Usage Time

 Content Category Mobile Devices Desktop
 Portal 69% 31%
Business/Finance 58% 42%
Entertainment/News 51% 49%
Health Information 46% 54%
News / Information 44% 56%
Sports 39% 61%
Retail 38% 62%
Lifestyle 36% 64%
Personals 23% 77%
Social  Networking 21% 79%
Online Gaming 12% 88%
Photos 8% 92%
Maps 6% 94%

Mobile advertising spend has surged to 85%, highlighting the significant shift towards mobile platforms for digital marketing in 2024 .

Mobile vs. Desktop Traffic: 

Let's get down to brass tacks. As of April 2024, a whopping 60.28% of all website traffic originates from mobile devices . That's a staggering number, and it's only going up. Statista tells us a similar story – 95.8% of users access the internet via mobile phones, compared to 62.9% using desktops [thriveagency.com]. This global trend is undeniable, with mobile firmly in the driver's seat.

However, the story gets more nuanced when we consider regional variations. Africa, for instance, boasts the highest mobile internet traffic share at 69.13%, highlighting the continent's leapfrogging of traditional desktop adoption . This trend underscores the importance of tailoring content and user experience based on geographical demographics.


The Future of Mobile vs Desktop Internet Usage: 

The future of mobile vs desktop internet usage is one of convergence. The rise of hybrid devices like tablets and foldable phones blurs the line between traditional categories. Additionally, the potential for mobile-first web experiences, where websites are optimized for mobile viewing and functionality, is a game-changer.

The mobile revolution has irrevocably altered the way we interact with the internet. Understanding mobile vs desktop internet usage statistics and trends allows businesses, content creators, and individuals alike to make informed decisions in this ever-evolving digital landscape. By embracing the mobile future, we can create a more connected and accessible world, one swipe at a time.

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