
Magento vs. PrestaShop Comparison - Choosing the Right E-commerce CMS for your Website

Created: May 20, 2015

Updated: June 19, 2024

When picking the right CMS platform for an ecommerce store, there is a variety of available options. Magento and PrestaShop, two popular ecommerce platforms are helping online businesses to grow and serve global customers. Magento is older than PrestaShop, but the later one has above 25,000 plugins while the former has 1,500 plugins. Magento is popular on Twitter whereas PrestaShop has strong presence on Facebook. PrestaShop is 50% cheaper in terms of monthly maintenance expense whereas Magento offers SEO features and benefits. To have a clear understanding of both e-commerce platforms, here are given 10 detailed benefits of both. Read, know, and pick the best option for your online store.


Choosing the Right E-commerce CMS for your Website |Go-Globe web Design


Magento was created in 2001 and has more Google search than PrestaShop. This platform caters to the needs of medium to large-scaled businesses. Salient features and benefits of this CMS platform are given below:

  1. Flexible CMS

Page editor of this platform is intuitive and allows users to customize their offers quickly. WYSIWYG content management interface is user-friendly helping those having little knowledge of coding.

  1. Responsive shopping carts

Magento offers responsive shopping carts, providing a seamless experience on diverse range of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.

  1. SEO efficiency

Magento platform is SEO efficient, enabling products to rank high on Google and other search engines. There are custom SEO features available to implement.

  1. Spacious platform

Magento can support 500,000 products on a single site. It can help managing 80,000 orders in just one hour. It means the platform is spacious for future business growth. The spaciousness of Magento demands for reliable hosting services to perform better with fast loading.

  1. Upselling and cross selling products

Customers can find related products while checking out at a Magento-based e store. Retailers can present product accessories as well at the checkout stage. All it helps improving the customer experience at the store and chances to sell more.

  1. 3rd party integrations

Magento allows 3rd party integrations like Google Analytics to help in data analysis and site management.

  1. Customized security

CAPTCHA-enabled login, PCI DATA Security, and prompting for secondary password are few measures towards ecommerce website security.

  1. Search option for shoppers

Dynamic search option is offered to the Magento site users to browse the desired information. Products are filtered with huge parameters. Shoppers can search with auto-suggested terms, cloud, reviews, recently viewed products, recently compared products.

  1. Large Magento community

Magento holds a gigantic community of developers from around the globe, who are contributing to the platform enormously, hence providing great opportunities for businesses to start, expand, and flourish.

  1. Magento extensions

Magento has a rich library of extensions developed by global Magento community. These extensions are meant to enhance the functionalities of an online store while saving the time and cost at the same time. A single store can deal in multiple languages and currencies, a plus point for global businesses.


PrestaShop targets small and medium-scaled businesses. Initially started in 2007, this CMS platform is smaller compared to Magento. Salient features and advantages of this platform are given below:

  • Intuitive administration panel

Compared to Magento, PrestaShop has intuitive and easy to learn administration panel. For web starters, it is a perfect choice.

  • Lightweight

PrestaShop is lightweight, ensuring speedy loading of the ecommerce webs pages.

  • PrestaShop Community

PrestaShop CMS platform has a wide community of developers, discussing problems, and giving solutions in discussion boards.

  • Easy installation

Smarty is the template used in PrestaShop, which makes installation and modification easier for the designers and developers. The platform is also easy to customize for the specific business needs.

  • Store Functionalities

Although this CMS platform has fewer functionalities than Magento, but still enough to meet the needs of starters and mid level business owners. Web store functionalities could be enhanced with extensions.

  • Efficient platform

PrestaShop does not overload server with its offers. There is a built-in page indexation system, which is efficient than Magento.

  • System requirements

PrestaShop needs low system requirements compared to Magento. However, it has compatibility issues, which Magento does not have.

  • Better search

PrestaShop offers better search capabilities than Magento.

  • Easier theme replacement

Old themes of PrestaShop platform could be easily replaced with new ones, which help keeping the store design updated.

  • SEO friendliness

PrestaShop allows easy replacement of URL and title tags, which is appreciated by SEO professionals. SEO friendliness helps PrestaShop websites to climb up the Google’s ranking ladder.

Magento is best for:

Magento CMS platform is best for store owners seeking complete control over store customization. It is a better option for large-scaled business or those planning for expansion in near future.

PrestaShop is best for:

PrestaShop CMS platform is suitable for the needs of small businesses or those not seeking expansion in near future. It is low cost and require little efforts to setup a shop.

What you have decided to go for: Magento or PrestaShop? Both options are good, but it all depends on your business type, scale, investment range, and development expertise (if you are building the site on your own). Better to hire experts for your e-commerce store building. Share your business plans and seek expert opinion about the best suitable CMS platform for your web presence.

Happy eCommercing!

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