Let Quality SEO Boost Your Business

Created: Dec 09, 2014

Updated: July 9, 2024

Did you know that more than 2.3 million Google searches are conducted every minute of the day? Check out our latest infographic to know how quality SEO can help you in increasing the online visibility of your business and attract more customers.

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Estimated Market Share Of Search Engines

Google 67.3%
Bing (Microsoft) 19.4%
Yahoo (Yahoo & Microsoft) 10.0%
Ask 2.0%
AOL 1.3%

On average, 71.33% of searches resulted in a page one Google organic click. Page two and three get only 5.59% of the clicks.

On the first page alone, the first 5 results account for 67.60% of all the clicks. The search results from pages 6 to 10 account for only 3.73%of the clicks.

Estimated Click-Through-Rates (CTR) For Google Search Results


Click Through Rate

1 31.24%
2 14.04%
3 9.85%
4 6.97%
5 5.50%
6-10 3.73%
2nd page 3.99%
3rd page + 1.60%


On-page SEO and Off-page SEO

Search Engine Optimization has 2 parts, i.e.,On-page SEO and Off-page SEO

On-Page SEO Factors

  • Keyword research
  • Proper title and Meta-description
  • High-quality content
  • SEO-friendly URL structure
  • Image Alt text
  • Setting up Robots.txt
  • User-friendly website structure
  • URL canonicalization
  • Analytics setup and configuration
  • Fixing broken link issues
  • Redirecting old or dead URLs/pages
  • XML sitemap
  • Creating a custom 404 page

Off-page SEO Factors

  • Social Media Optimization
  • Local Search Optimization
  • Building business reviews
  • Attracting natural links

8 Things To Look For In Top Quality SEO Companies

  • Awareness of the latest Google updates
  • Considers SEO as a long-term process
  • Creation of  strategies that comply with Google guidelines
  • Keeping client involved throughout the SEO Campaign
  • Experience in content marketing
  • Having proper technical knowledge for on-page changes
  • Understanding the importance of quality over quantity
  • Regular reporting

White Hat SEO Company Vs. Cheap SEO Company

White Hat SEO Company Cheap SEO Company
Considers SEO as long term process Promises quick results
Focuses on quality link building Promotes bulk and spam link building
Avoids over-optimization of website Over-optimizes your website to get quick results and gets it penalized
Improves the overall visitor experience at your website Focuses only on rankings
Improves the overall reputation of your online business Does not care about your online reputation

Negative Effects of Cheap SEO

• Black Hat link-building techniques
• Over-optimization of websites
• Long-term negative impact
• Algorithmic Penalties (Google Panda or Google Penguin)
• Google Manual Penalties (Unnatural Link Penalty, Thin Content Issues)

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