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The State of Global and Middle East E-Governance – Statistics and Trends

Created: Oct 12, 2018

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

The State of Global and Middle East E-Governance – Statistics and Trends

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E-governance, the use of digital technologies to transform and enhance government operations, has become increasingly important worldwide. In the Middle East, governments are recognizing the potential of e-governance to improve service delivery, enhance transparency, and engage citizens more effectively. In this article, we will explore the state of e-governance in the Middle East and highlight the key trends that are shaping the region's digital transformation journey.

1. The Importance of E-Governance
E-governance plays a crucial role in transforming traditional government processes into efficient, citizen-centric digital platforms. It enables governments to streamline administrative procedures, provide online services, and foster collaboration between government entities and citizens. By harnessing the power of technology, e-governance can enhance transparency, reduce bureaucracy, and improve the overall efficiency of public services.

2. Trends in Middle East E-Governance
2.1 Enhanced Service Delivery through Digital Platforms
Governments in the Middle East are increasingly focusing on delivering public services through digital platforms. This includes the development of user-friendly websites, mobile applications, and online portals that provide citizens with easy access to services such as healthcare, education, transportation, and utilities. The aim is to simplify bureaucratic processes, reduce waiting times, and improve the overall user experience.

2.2 Embracing Smart Cities and IoT Solutions
Smart city initiatives are gaining momentum in the Middle East, with governments investing in technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to create more sustainable and livable urban environments. IoT sensors and devices are being deployed to monitor and manage various aspects of city life, including traffic flow, energy consumption, waste management, and public safety. These initiatives aim to enhance efficiency, promote sustainability, and improve the quality of life for citizens.

2.3 Strengthening Data Security and Privacy
As governments collect and store vast amounts of citizen data, ensuring its security and privacy has become a top priority. The Middle East is witnessing a heightened focus on implementing robust cybersecurity measures and data protection regulations. Governments are investing in secure infrastructure, adopting encryption technologies, and promoting awareness among citizens about the importance of data privacy.

2.4 Promoting Citizen Engagement and Participation
To build trust and foster a sense of ownership among citizens, governments in the Middle East are embracing digital platforms to encourage citizen engagement and participation in decision-making processes. Online feedback mechanisms, social media channels, and e-voting systems are being implemented to gather public opinion, involve citizens in policy discussions, and enhance accountability.

3. Conclusion
The Middle East is undergoing a significant digital transformation in the realm of e-governance. Governments are recognizing the potential of digital technologies to enhance service delivery, promote citizen engagement, and build more efficient and transparent governance systems. By embracing trends such as enhanced service delivery through digital platforms, smart city initiatives, strengthened data security and privacy measures, and citizen engagement tools, the Middle East is poised to harness the full potential of e-governance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What are the benefits of e-governance in the Middle East?

A: E-governance in the Middle East brings numerous benefits, including improved service delivery, enhanced transparency, reduced bureaucracy, and increased citizen engagement and participation in decision-making processes.
Q: How are smart city initiatives transforming the Middle East?

A: Smart city initiatives in the Middle East leverage technologies like IoT to create more sustainable and livable urban environments, enhancing efficiency, promoting sustainability, and improving the quality of life for citizens.
Q: What steps are being taken to ensure data security and privacy in e-governance?

A: Governments in the Middle East are investing in secure infrastructure, adopting encryption technologies, and implementing data protection regulations to ensure the security and privacy of citizen data.
Q: How are citizens being engaged in e-governance processes?

A: Digital platforms such as online feedback mechanisms, social media channels, and e-voting systems are being used to encourage citizen engagement, gather public opinion, and involve citizens in policy discussions, ultimately enhancing accountability and transparency.
Q: What is the future outlook for e-governance in the Middle East?

A: The future of e-governance in the Middle East looks promising, with governments continuing to invest in digital technologies and embracing innovative trends to further enhance service delivery, citizen engagement, and overall governance efficiency.

The State of Global and Middle East E-Governance – Statistics

The e-governance in Middle East is Growing with more and more Middle Eastern countries adopting e-governance and implementing them in various government services and departments. Check out our latest infographic to know about the state of E-Governance globally and in countries of the MENA region and the latest e-governance statistics and trends.



E-government Development Index 2016 2018
Very High EGDI 29 40
High EGDI 65 71
Medium EGDI 67 66
Low 32 31

Top E-Governance countries by Global Ranking

Country 2018 Ranking 2016 Ranking
Denmark 1 9
Australia 2 2
Republic of Korea 3 3
United Kingdom 4 1
Sweden 5 6
Finland 6 5
Singapore 7 4
New Zealand 8 8
France 9 10
Japan 10 11

Number of Counties Providing Online Services to Vulnerable Groups

Vulnerable Groups Number of Countries
Poor 120
Immigrants 125
Older Persons 128
Persons with disabilities 128
Women 135
Youth 144

Top Trends in Transactional service Online

Service Offered by number of countries
Pay for utilities 140
Submit income taxes 139
Apply for Government vacancies online 129
Register a business 126
Submit Value added tax 121
Pay fine 111
Apply for business license 104
Apply for Visa 100
Apply for social protection programs 91
Apply for a birth certificate 86
Declare to police 84
Apply for marriage certificate 82
Apply for death certificate 78
Register a motor vehicle 76
Apply for land title registration 67
Apply for drivers license 62
Submit change of address 61
Apply for personal identity card 59
Apply for building permit 58

Number of Countries offering archived information by Sector

Sector Number of countries
Education 177
Health 173
Environment 168
Social Welfare 166
Labour 165

Middle East Stats

Global E-Governance Rankings of Middle East Countries

Country 2018 Ranking 2016 Ranking
United Arab Emirates 21 29
Bahrain 26 24
Kuwait 41 40
Qatar 51 48
Saudi Arabia 52 44
Oman 63 66

Top Challenges for Implementing Digital Governance Strategies

Challenge %age
Lack of awareness in society 100%
Lack of awareness in public sector 65%
Lack of technical skills in public sector 65%
Lack of ICT infrastructure 65%
Lack of political support 50%
Financial issues 50%
Others 35%

Top Goals of Implementing Digital Governance Strategies

Goals %age
Efficiency gains in government operations 100%
Make the public sector more transparent 75%
Enhance data and information management 75%
Develop better services 75%
Improve public sector coordination 25%
Improve public sector agility 25%
Support more inclusive decision making process 25%

Top policy areas covered by digital government in MENA region

Policy Area %age
General Public Services 100%
Health 85%
Education 85%
Social Protection 65%
Public order and Safety 50%

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